Community Engagement Center Holds Winter Clothing Drive

Grace LaTourelle- There will be an opportunity for giving this November on campus with a hat and mitten drive. Sponsored by the Community Engagement Center (CEC) and two student coordinators, Gusties are encouraged and invited to donate youth-sized hats and mittens that will go to families and children in need through the organization Head Start in St. Peter. This event arose out of a perceived … Continue reading Community Engagement Center Holds Winter Clothing Drive

Gustavus Swim Sweeps Separate Meets

Stella Anderson Moye- The Gustavus Swim Team is a certified powerhouse, having claimed the MIAC championship title for both Men’s and Women’s in the 2023-24 season. On Saturday, to open the 2024-25 season, the team was tasked with splitting up and traveling to two separate meets in Iowa. Half the team went to Morningside University in Sioux City, Iowa, whereas the other half visited Luther … Continue reading Gustavus Swim Sweeps Separate Meets

Women’s Soccer Season Ends in Playoffs

Teddy Kaste- The Gustavus Women’s Soccer Team was eliminated from the playoffs this past Sunday in a 3-0 loss against Saint Mary’s. This was the Women’s first playoff appearance since 2021, and they finished the season with a record of  9-5-5. Saint Mary’s came into the game with an impressive 13-2-4 record and showed why they have been a force to be reckoned with in … Continue reading Women’s Soccer Season Ends in Playoffs

Men’s Soccer Wins MIAC Championship

Kieran Ripken- In their final game of the regular season, the #6 nationally ranked Gustavus Men’s Soccer team traveled up to Duluth to play the St. Scholastica Saints. The Saints came into the game looking to spoil the Gusties’ silverware hopes but this seemed unlikely as they are at the bottom of the MIAC. Coming into the game, the Gusties had their work cut out … Continue reading Men’s Soccer Wins MIAC Championship

No One is Getting “Cancelled”

Olivia Telecky- On the Netflix reality show Hype House, TikTok stars complained about their experience with cancel culture. Nikita Dragun, after being accused of blackfishing (which is where one purposefully darkens their skin and/or changes features to appear as a minority), shared that she was canceled. People unfollowed her, brands didn’t want to collaborate with her, and she lost her career opportunities. Dragun shared this … Continue reading No One is Getting “Cancelled”

How to Read

Raquel Vaughn- I used to be able to read three books in a week – sometimes as many as five if I was feeling especially ambitious. But those were the days when life wasn’t particularly stressful, and I could read in any condition. As an over-achieving fifth grader, I read 500- to 800-page novels on the way to class almost every day. Picture a middle … Continue reading How to Read

Unwind with Gustavus Orchestras

Jenna Anderson- The Gustavus Philharmonic Orchestra (GPO) and Symphony Orchestra (GSO) have their Fall Concert from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. this Saturday, Nov 9th in Jussi Bjorling Hall. They are playing quite a few pieces, including previews of what they will play during the renowned Christmas in Christ Chapel concert later on this year. “The Gustavus Department of Music is proud to present the … Continue reading Unwind with Gustavus Orchestras

Gustie of the Week: Mary McHugh

Amelia Dewberry- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Professor in Classical Studies, Mary McHugh. McHugh is currently in her 19th year at Gustavus, teaching a variety of courses in Greek, Latin, Ancient Greek and Roman Art & Archaeology, FTS, and a new Challenge Seminar called Free Speech & Power. Growing up in Wisconsin and Chicago, McHugh says “My late parents placed primary importance on … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Mary McHugh