Gusties shine in Fringe Fest

Running on its 20th year,  the Fringe Festival takes place over eleven days during the summer in Minneapolis venues ranging from the Mixed Blood theater to the Music Box theater. This year numerous current and former Gusties, including Rob Ward, Sarah Jabar, Renee Guittar, Benjamin Kolis, Autumn Ike, and Connie Boatwright, to name a few, performed in productions of their own. The festival aims to, … Continue reading Gusties shine in Fringe Fest

Weekend movie “The Purge” — nothing more than a mildly scary cliché

When I first saw a commercial for The Purge on television, I had mixed feelings.  I felt that the concept of the movie was interesting, but nothing else really stood out that made me want to see this movie in theatres immediately.  Welcome to Cinematic Critiques, I am your reviewer, first-year Brady Lass.  Should you go out and see The Purge, or should you do … Continue reading Weekend movie “The Purge” — nothing more than a mildly scary cliché

Gustie of the Week: Jenny Marquette

Gustavus students are not only known for their success within the realms of academia. We have an image in which we strive to better ourselves through service and leadership within our college community.  Junior Jenny Marquette exemplifies this image. Jenny is involved with CAB, Sigma Sigma Sigma, GOLD, and Breaking Barriers.  In addition, she has also been involved with Student SPILL, Crossroads, TAG, and Elders. … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jenny Marquette

Gustie of the Week: Charlie Stokes

Everyone knows the Gustie Greeters as being outgoing, caring, and maybe just a little bit crazy. Third-year Greeter and Senior Physics major Charlie Stokes is no exception. In addition to being the Greeter Coordinator this year Stokes is a member of the Omega Kappa fraternity, Smash Club, Parkour Club, and the Society of Physics Students. Despite having a heavy course load Charlie always makes time … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Charlie Stokes

Nicky Sparks does it again! Only this time, it’s diff—

—oh wait, it’s exactly the same If you have any experience with Nicholas Sparks’ work, and have somehow not seen or read Safe Haven, simply retrace the plotlines of each and every other story of his, and you’ll match it up with his newest film adaptation of yet another of his monotonous novels. While I have had the rather dull pleasure of reading only one … Continue reading Nicky Sparks does it again! Only this time, it’s diff—

Gustie of the Week: Paget Pengelly

Named after a small parish community in Bermuda, Paget has found her calling and is making big waves at Gustavus. Paget was raised in Bermuda, her dad’s hometown before moving to Minnesota when she was in second grade. After playing softball in high school, she decided to follow a path that was forming in front of her as she journeyed through her first year at … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Paget Pengelly

Firethorne release party

The 2013 Spring issue is the color edition of the bi-yearly student published journal, which features a 16 page spread of full-color art pieces. It features short-stories, poetry, photography, paintings, and sculptures, all submitted by Gustavus students. At 7 p.m. May 17 in the Courtyard Caf, everyone is invited to listen to the readings and descriptions of people’s works while enjoying some nice refreshments. Copies … Continue reading Firethorne release party

Senior art show in Hillstrom will give Art Attack

Art is not an easy creation for some people. It can require inspiration and a passion for the media you are working with. But for Senior Art Studio Majors Leif Erik Estenson, Karl Brudvig, Miranda Bickett, Olivia Thao Nguyen, See Thor, and Margit Bren, art is their passion. These six seniors have had their art work juried by the faculty of the art department and … Continue reading Senior art show in Hillstrom will give Art Attack

Gustie of the Week: Joe Turner

For Senior Joe Turner, music isn’t just a hobby: its a lifestyle. As a music major, the President of the Gustavus Choir, co-chair of the Greeters, and a member of the men’s a capella ensemble G-Sharp, singing is one thing Joe can’t get enough of. Joe followed in the footsteps of his mother when he joined the Gustavus Choir during his Junior year, of which … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Joe Turner