Gustie of the Week: Patrick Stonecipher

Taylor Storlien- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Patrick Stonecipher. Stonecipher is finishing up his Senior year on The Hill this spring. With a major in English paired with an individualized Film major, Stonecipher has made his four years here work for him in every way. “I individualized the Film Minor to be a Major, combining English and Art classes with [an] emphasis on … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Patrick Stonecipher

Interfaith Discussions at Gustavus Adolphus

Grace LaTourelle- The third part of the Interfaith Discussion Series will take place on Tuesday, April 23rd at 10:00 a.m. in Christ Chapel. The dialogue will be about the Muslim faith. The Interfaith Discussion Series was headed up by Senior Zoe Jesh who is the current Interfaith Intern for the Chaplain’s Office and Religion Department. “My role with this interfaith series was to coordinate all … Continue reading Interfaith Discussions at Gustavus Adolphus

Junior Megan Lipke’s art installation

Amelia Dewberry- Junior Studio Art / History double major Megan Lipke has created a striking art installation on display in Beck Hall. Lipke found the inspiration for her work on a recent trip to Nairobi, Kenya, to visit her older brother who was volunteering there. While there, Lipke met young children who are addicted to huffing jet fuel and sniffing glue. The volunteer organization, Alfajiri, … Continue reading Junior Megan Lipke’s art installation

Gustie of the Week: Angelique Dwyer

Colleen Coleman- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Dr. Angelique Dwyer, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Spanish in the MLLC department, and LALACS department chair. Having taught on The Hill since 2010, Dwyer has been involved in many areas on campus – having developed the Language Buddies program, worked as a Nobel Conference Co-Chair for the 2022 conference on “Mental Health (IN)Equity and Young People,” … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Angelique Dwyer

Emanate Dance Gallery

Taylor Storlien- This weekend, the Gustavus Dance Company returns to the Anderson Theatre, performing “Emanate: The Gustavus Dance Company in Concert”. It will take place on Friday, April 12th, and Saturday, April 13th at 8:00 p.m., as well as on Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Directed by Melissa Rolnick, the concert is dedicated to Michele Rusinko, the former dance program director of 34 years who passed … Continue reading Emanate Dance Gallery

Gustie of the Week: Jack Raway

Taylor Storlien- Gustie of the Week, Jack Raway, finds himself all over campus. He is a Senior geography major, an employee at The Writing Center, a member of both the Chapel Choir and LeGACy A Cappella, and a member of the Dead Poets Society’s executive board. But of course, as a geography major, Raway is often in the GIS and Geography lounges in Nobel. Within … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jack Raway

Gustavus spring choir concert

Colleen Coleman- On Sunday, April 7th at 1:30 p.m. in Christ Chapel, the Lucia Singers and Choir of Christ Chapel will perform their Spring Concert, directed by Dr. Andrew Kendall. The performance will include a variety of musical styles, including Baroque pieces, modern hymns, African-American spirituals, and more. This performance will also feature many instrumentalists joining the group, with Senior Sophie Norman as the collaborative … Continue reading Gustavus spring choir concert

Visiting artist Vick Quezada

Taylor Storlien- This Tuesday, March 19, Visiting Artist Vick Quezada will be giving their artist talk at 5:15 p.m. during the public reception of their work from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. The entire exhibition runs from Monday, February 26th to Sunday, April 7th. Vick Quezada (they/them) is an interdisciplinary artist, who specializes in the exploration of hybrid art forms in Indigenous-Latinx history and how … Continue reading Visiting artist Vick Quezada

Gustie of the Week: Elizabeth Kubek

Amelia Dewberry- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Professor in English, Elizabeth Kubek. She also serves as Director of Summer Term and Faculty Director of Student Academic Success in the Provost’s Office. Kubek first came to Gustavus as an academic administrator but came back to full-time teaching two years ago. “I love working so closely with students again. Although I still do admin work, … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Elizabeth Kubek

Vox Lucia vocal festival comes to GAC

Colleen Coleman- On March 15th, the music department will host the Vox Lucia Vocal Festival for Leadership & Singing as a part of the Bjorling Music Festival series, an all-day experience for high school soprano and alto students to hone their musical talents and leadership skills through work with nationally renowned composer Jocelyn Hagen and Gustavus’ Vice President in Mission, Strategy, and Innovation, Dr. Kathi … Continue reading Vox Lucia vocal festival comes to GAC