Farewell to the Weekly: another year gone

Elliot Steeves-

So long, farewell, I’ll keep you up at night…

(Oh no. I’ve turned into Julie Andrews. )

Anyway. This is Elliot Steeves, a graduating senior and now a former staff writer at The Weekly, writing to all of you Gusties for the very last time. A surreal feeling, indeed, but one that I am at peace with, even if it is a little emotional.

Let me say first that I have so enjoyed this job. Whether it was attending lectures, interviewing new student senate electees, or threatening Turkey retribution, it has been a fun ride and I wouldn’t change a bit of it. I’d also like to formally thank the editing team at The Weekly for making my job possible, as well as that of every writer we have on staff here.

But most importantly, I would like to thank all of you, the readers. I know there are those of you out there who read this paper regularly and have even complimented many of us directly. Thank you. You are what makes this paper possible, and keep it running each and every day (and week) here at Gustavus.

The other thing that makes this time of year so emotional is the unique cocktail that finals time presents. I am sure that many of you are swamped with a heavy dose of exams and tests. Some of you might feel like you are under the duress of an overload. And even if that is not the case, just a slightly heavier load than usual can still be a shock to your system.

So I thought that I would provide some helpful tips for getting through this time of the year.

Firstly, and most importantly, resist the urge to procrastinate at all costs. I prefer to chip away at things day by day and find that it actually makes every single day far easier than if I either stress out at a buildup or have a single day of nothing but grueling homework.

Second, I love eating food. And drinking coffee, or water, or tea and lemonade…frankly, just any and all food and hydration. Now, by no means should you gorge on food all day, but don’t be afraid to take a break to replenish your system with whatever you need – particularly later in finals season when things really get going.

Sleep is the third point. I know it’s tempting to turn on a video game system; Metaquest VR in my case (I literally get to retreat into alternate worlds!). It’s also tempting to binge a show or catch up on a book, or any kind of free activity that might feel restricted right now. That’s fine within reason, but make sure to get as close as you can to the recommended eight hours of sleep per night.

Finally, I want to write a message to all my fellow graduating seniors.

Holy cow. We did it. Or at least we have almost done it. It feels really weird, and we’ve still got the finals buildup, but next week is going to be quite the ride.

So on behalf of The Gustavian Weekly, allow me to extend congratulations and good luck! We so appreciate you, whether you’ve been a regular reader, or simply pass by us on the delivery stand.

So, with gratitude, and an appreciation for everything that Gustavus has allowed us to accomplish…

Farewell, Gustavus! (For now)

-Elliot Steeves, Newswriter, Class of 2024.