Letter to the Editor (11/16/12)

Dear Editor, In June 2011, we purchased our home at the corner of South 7th and Elm. Some people questioned our choice of a home right across the street from a college campus. We weren’t concerned because Gusties have a reputation as forward-thinking, socially responsible people. Our assumptions were confirmed when our first year in our new house passed without incident. Unfortunately, this year has … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (11/16/12)

An Alum’s Perspective

A couple weeks after being labeled as one of the best Greek systems in the country, the Weekly publishes an article talking about how “The Greeks” are upset with “the administration,” making for one of the most vaguely written articles of all time. As a student I was part of Gustavus’ Greek life, and part of Student Senate, and I know several students quoted in … Continue reading An Alum’s Perspective

An opportunity to improve dialogue

In response to Prince’s concern over the fair representation of the Gustavus Greek community, I would like to assure him that it was not my intention to exclude any interested or affected Greek members from contributing to the article. Though the article by no means reflects the many diverse opinions of Greeks on campus, this is due to a lack of response from other chapters … Continue reading An opportunity to improve dialogue

RE: CAB Cash

I am writing on the subject of the graphs in the Weekly’s April 30, 2012 edition (“Complex financial realities continue to shape Gustavus tuition” and “CAB and Senate share finance distributions”). –The graph on the front page of the Weekly depicting Gustavus’ budget does not allow side by side comparison of the expenses and revenues, as the size of the pies are equal, which is … Continue reading RE: CAB Cash

RE: Targets of discrimination

We at Gustavus are champions of social justice. We are leaders in equality for women and people of different cultures. We pride ourselves on our acceptance of gay and transgendered people.  We raise awareness for child soldiers in Africa, the continued discrimination against Native Americans, and the uphill battle of immigrants. Yet there is a group among us, on our very campus, that we still … Continue reading RE: Targets of discrimination

RE: A Lutheran Love Letter to Atheism

I greatly appreciated Josh Sande’s call for Christianity to be less dogmatic in last Friday’s Weekly (“A Lutheran Love Letter to Atheism”), but I was disappointed in his contrast between “the teachings of Jesus” and the “hating, burning, stabbing, pillaging and arbitrary restrictions . . . in the Old Testament.” By accepting this common stereotype, Mr. Sande has failed to practice the critical inquiry that … Continue reading RE: A Lutheran Love Letter to Atheism