An Alum’s Perspective

A couple weeks after being labeled as one of the best Greek systems in the country, the Weekly publishes an article talking about how “The Greeks” are upset with “the administration,” making for one of the most vaguely written articles of all time.

As a student I was part of Gustavus’ Greek life, and part of Student Senate, and I know several students quoted in the article. Interestingly, the article quotes a few members from two orgs: the Deltas and the Eppies.

There are two problems here: one, I think this is unfair to the Deltas and the Eppies. I like them, and have friends in both. Unfortunately it seems to me that a few non-Presidents stepped out of line by speaking out against IGS and the administration unfairly, rather than dealing with problems directly. It’s an ineffective strategy of attacking a small problem with napalm, and I don’t believe that’s how either the Deltas or Eppies operate.

But further, the article itself does very little to justify the claim that all Greeks are upset. No effort is made to talk to National chapters, who are used to a more heavy-handed style of management, or more than two of the several local chapters. What do the Thetas think? How about the Reds? Do the OKs agree with assertions of those quoted? We don’t know. But in the mean time, “The Greeks” have been painted with a broad brush stroke.

As someone who worked to disprove the stereotypes that all Greeks are the same, I’m more than a little annoyed that the Weekly seemed intent to take the opinion of a few members as representative of an entire community.

Quite frankly, that article should never have been written, and many people should learn from their mistakes.


Nick Prince ’12

