Not much to hate in The Hateful Eight

When you become as acclaimed as director and writer Quentin Tarantino, maintaining expectations becomes increasingly difficult. Every time he releases a new movie, the first impulse of critics and fans is to immediately compare it to his other productions. But it’s hard to blame them when a guy has Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and Django Unchained under his belt. Each new film isn’t as much … Continue reading Not much to hate in The Hateful Eight

Gustie of the Week – Reid Larson

There’s a certain kind of competiveness and desire to get things done to the best and fullest of one’s abilities that you don’t find in just anyone, but Junior Reid Larson is one of those people. One humorous example is shared by Junior Brianna Larson, when Reid broke his nose playing volleyball freshmen year. “His face (nose, I guess) collided with my hip bone, and … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Reid Larson

Men’s Tennis Triumphs: Beats nationally ranked Kalamazoo

Last season, the Gustie Men’s Tennis team faced Chicago twice – once in the regular season and the other in the second round of the NCAA Championships. The Black and Gold fell both times to the Maroons, including a 5-4 decision in the early going, and falling yet again by a 5-2 score in the play-to-decision format of the big dance. Gustavus last faced Kalamazoo … Continue reading Men’s Tennis Triumphs: Beats nationally ranked Kalamazoo

Men’s Golf hits their groove

The spring season for the Gustavus Men’s Golf team has been a good one. The team’s season is split between the fall and the spring, with a break during the winter. With a roster that is competitive from top to bottom, the Gusties have had a great time hitting the links in the recent months. Although having to battle snow and other imperfect weather conditions … Continue reading Men’s Golf hits their groove

Four years to get FIT?: The dilemma of the Lifelong Fitness credit

This opinion piece solely represents the views of the writer. As fall registration week comes to a close at Gustavus, I again noticed something that baffled my body, bewildered my brain, and stumped my soul. A varsity sport is worth thirteen-hundredths of a Personal Fitness requirement.So what is that you ask? Allow me to explain. A Personal Fitness requirement, or (FIT) makes up half of … Continue reading Four years to get FIT?: The dilemma of the Lifelong Fitness credit

Regarding the Weekly’s access to Hunter Hayes

The Gustavian Weekly aims to cover major events on campus. This spring, one of the biggest campus events is the upcoming Big Concert, featuring chart-topping artist Hunter Hayes. However, The Weekly will have absolutely no access to Hayes. As of April 20, 2016, a mere 3 days before the concert, The Weekly has been informed that we can neither photograph the concert nor Hayes, and … Continue reading Regarding the Weekly’s access to Hunter Hayes

Legalize Sex Work

The fight over the legalization of prostitution has been going on for years. The federal government believes that legalizing prostitution is not only immoral, it “contributes to the modern-day slave trade, and creates a higher demand for human trafficking victims.” However, not all states follow this line of reasoning.  In Nevada,  prostitution is legal in eight counties, and twenty-eight counties that have legal brothels. Being … Continue reading Legalize Sex Work

Are You Experienced?

A psychedelic drug is any drug that causes hallucinations or perceptual anomalies by flooding serotonin receptors in the brain. Fossils dating back 10,000 years show that early humans have used psychoactive drugs during religious rituals. Some Native Americans would also use psychedelic drugs. With the rise of the church came the prohibition of psychedelics. During the mid-1900s great minds were experimenting with psychedelics which at the … Continue reading Are You Experienced?

Growing Pains

It started when we were children. Our parents walked us to the bus stop, supervised our playtime, and met with our teachers to make sure they weren’t being too hard on us. Conflict between kids was mediated by adults, and tattling on playmates was encouraged. Sports, once the domain of neighborhood kids everywhere, became organized and structured by adults, who rewarded our sweaty efforts with … Continue reading Growing Pains