How to post new stories on the web

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To post a story on The Weekly’s website, you will want to login to the admin area by clicking the “Login” button on the bottom blue bar at the bottom of most pages on our site (or clicking here).  Once you are in, click “Posts” on the left column, and then “Add new”.

You will see a window that looks much like the one to the right.  Follow these steps to ensure all of the necessary information is included with your story.

  1. If you are adding a bunch of stories, choose the time the post will go live, otherwise skip to step 2. If more than one story is being posted, the stories must be cued in reverse of the order you want them to appear. For Friday news, posts should start at 4:30a.m. with a new post every minute. The last post should be posted about 5 minutes after the second to last post.
  2. Choose the category. This is very important for ensuring that content appears in the correct locations. If you don’t choose any categories, stories will not be visible on the site.
  3. Type the title.
  4. Add the author and other custom fields. Custom fields allow us to add additional bits of data with our posts.  You need to add the name of the author, by selecting “author” from the dropdown menu on the left, and typing the author’s name in this format on the right: AUTHOR NAME <em>AUTHOR_TITLE</em>. The <em></em> makes the author’s title italics. This is really important and must be done for each story. If you do not want to list an author, instead type “The Weekly Staff” in this field. Also, you cannot enter the & symbol. It will mess up the RSS feed – use and instead.  If the story has a subhead, click “enter new” to enter an additional custom field, and then add the subheader.  You shouldn’t have to add any other custom fields under normal circumstances. Let the web editor know if you have any questions.
  5. Add the story content. I have found that copying stories out of InDesign works better than copying them out of a PDF.  Don’t forget to fix spacing, tables, lists add links, etc.  If you are copying from Word, there may also be some other formatting issues you need to fix, especially at the beginning.  If you want special titles, font sizes, etc. in the story, let the web editor know and they can help out.
  6. Add photos. Click the photo icon to do this.  You will be given the option to choose photos from your computer. Once photos have been uploaded, you will need to enter captions for each photo.  Note: “description” does not do anything.  You will want to choose the photo to be used on the homepage and archive pages.  To do this, put numbers next to each photo. The first photo will be used on the archive and home pages.  You can also insert a big image at the top of your post.  To do this, select “Use as featured image” for the desired image.  You can also insert photos into the page by choosing the size, alignment, and clicking “Add to post”.  You will want to select medium.  Numerous options, including photo galleries are available.  The web editor is happy to help, just ask.
  7. Preview the content, by pressing the preview button. Make sure it looks right.  Go back an fix any mistakes.
  8. Publish it! Depending on the kind of account you have, you may be able to “Publish”, or you may be able to “Submit for Review”.  If you put a story in the review queue, let the Web Editor know, and they will get it published.  Once stories are published, they will be added to our Twitter and Facebook pages automatically.  Don’t forget to share with your friends, also.

Thanks for your work! Be sure to also watch the video screencast that was prepared for more detailed instructions, available on the locker server.

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