Repping LGBT rights in hip-hop

Historically speaking, Hip-Hop has never been the musical genre in which LGBT persons have been fully accepted. This could be said for most musical genres; however, as the years progress the musical scene of Hip-Hop has been implementing a gradual shift in how LGBT persons are portrayed, mirroring a change within our larger society. More rappers and singers are openly expressing their support for the … Continue reading Repping LGBT rights in hip-hop

Gustie of the Week: James Trevathan

When Junior Physics and Computer Science Major James Trevathan has a moment away from sitting through science lectures, working in labs and conducting research, it might not be a surprise that he cherishes the outdoors. James is a member of Gustavus Outdoor Enthusiasts (GOE) and enjoys the adventure and exhilaration of outdoor activities like rock climbing. Not only is James involved in GOE, but he … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: James Trevathan

I didn’t know bears could swear so much

If you were wondering what a film would be like if directed/produced/written by “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, it would turn quickly into Ted. Starring Mark Wahlberg and Seth MacFarlane himself and co-starring Mila Kunis, this movie finesses its way into your funny bone and pricks around until you laugh. The film tells of one John Bennett (Wahlberg), at first as a child, who has … Continue reading I didn’t know bears could swear so much

Let the games begin…

…the hunt for five medallions will end with winners In preparation for Homecoming, the Gustavus Campus Activities Board has been busy putting together events, including the annual hunt for the medallion. During Homecoming week, each day the medallion is placed in a hidden area somewhere on the Gustavus campus. A clue is given out daily as to where the medallion may be hidden next. These … Continue reading Let the games begin…

Homecoming concert—“enjoy the moment”

Dave Barnes will perform for this year’s Homecoming concert put on by Campus Activities Board As part of this year’s Homecoming celebration, singer/songwriter Dave Barnes will be performing at Gustavus on Saturday, Oct. 13, at 8:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. Many people may be unfamiliar with Barnes. Indeed this was the case when talking with Senior Nicole Zibolski. “I don’t know who that is,” Zibolski … Continue reading Homecoming concert—“enjoy the moment”

Gustie of the Week: Eric Halvorson

Eric Halvorson is a Senior Political Science Honors major and Religion minor. He is the department assistant for Political Science and also the co-president of Pi Sigma Alpha, the Political Science honor society. His passion for Political Science stems from a place of curiosity in the ways people relate to their communities, “I am really interested in the different ways that people participate in the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Eric Halvorson

Turn the dial, start to jam…

…ride the air waves with KGSM student radio KGSM, Gustavus’ student-run radio station, kicked off what it hopes will be another successful year last Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012. The station plans to forge ahead following the reintroduction of the program last spring. Following the wreckage of the radio tower in the 1998 tornado, the station had been plagued with financial and technical issues before being … Continue reading Turn the dial, start to jam…

GACTV signing on for the coming year

Exploring new venues for exposure and experiencing broadcast journalism first-hand GACTV, Gustavus’ student-run broadcast news program has finished conducting auditions and will air their first episode of the year this Friday, Oct. 5 during the on-campus movie Brave. “This year, in addition to playing before the campus movie each week, we’re also trying to expand our exposure,” Junior News Director Ava Goepfert said. “We’re hoping … Continue reading GACTV signing on for the coming year

Bravely bold, bonny lass to the rescue!

Some people just love a good Scottish fairy tale, with accents bouncing around the scene, one rolled “r” after another. Well, you’ll find me in the audience of any such story. Brave had me from the start. Set in Scotland in some medieval age in a kingdom far in the wilderness, Brave tells the epic tale of one Merida, a princess with the most vibrantly … Continue reading Bravely bold, bonny lass to the rescue!