The Giver is just another dystopian movie

The amount of superhero films produced these days is only rivaled by the amount of young adult dystopian movies. This year we’ve had The Maze Runner, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, and Divergent, and there looks to be no shortage of them in 2015. While the novels these productions were based on were released in the late 2000s there were plenty of examples before … Continue reading The Giver is just another dystopian movie

Hundreds unite for Christmas in Christ Chapel

For years, Christmas in Christ Chapel has been an event that has created many memories for the students involved over the  42 year tradition. Looking at the experience through the perspective of a first-year, a sophomore, and a senior, the significance of Christmas in Christ Chapel is clear. With nearly 350 students involved and 1, 200 people attending each of the five showings, Christmas in … Continue reading Hundreds unite for Christmas in Christ Chapel

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Michael Eastwood

The double bass is the largest and lowest pitched bowed string instrument used in the modern symphony orchestra. It’s a sizeable challenge to play, easily met by the stronger fingered, broader-built stature of Senior Michael Eastwood, who began playing the double bass in 5th grade. “They had everyone try out all of these different instruments and pick whichever they wanted to play. I was drawn … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Michael Eastwood

Tales from Abroad (11/21/14)

Tales from Abroad is an ongoing section in which Gustavus students share the highlights of their study abroad experiences. This summer I had the opportunity to work on an American Military base in Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa is a small island off the southern coast of Japan, which has a distinct history and culture of its own. In fact, one of the first things I learned while … Continue reading Tales from Abroad (11/21/14)

Gustavus musicians fill the frosty air with music

Music has been filling the air at Gustavus Adolphus College, and it’s not about to stop. The final weeks of November are full of music concerts and events, including Gustavus and Vasa Wind Orchestras, Musical B.A.R., Brassworks, Philharmonic and Symphony Orchestra, Jazz, Woodwind Chamber, and Percussion. James Patrick Miller, Director of the Gustavus Wind Orchestra, has been a faculty member  since 2008. He was one … Continue reading Gustavus musicians fill the frosty air with music

You’ve got a friend in the future of Pixar

After producing 14 films, Pixar has become renowned for their work in the world of animation. With the recent announcement of Toy Story 4 in addition to several other planned sequels and original films, Pixar has slated the next few years to be full of animated wonder. For some, the announcement of Toy Story 4, came as a surprise. For many the third movie perfectly … Continue reading You’ve got a friend in the future of Pixar

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Matthew Spoden

When Senior Matthew Spoden was a high school student sitting among his peers during a summer mission trip in the mountains of Colorado, he looked up at the stars. His eyes fixed on one particular star that seemed to be gazing back at him. As he continued to look at the stars he began to feel as if he was being watched. That’s when he … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Matthew Spoden

Get on Up for the father of funk

It certainly is an interesting time to see Get on Up. James Brown, cast by Chadwick Boseman, is a controversial singer with a life worth seeing on film. Other than various television crime dramas, Boseman’s also known for portraying the legendary Jackie Robinson in 2013’s 42, so he’s no stranger to biopics about influential African-Americans in pop culture history. This time Boseman is joining  director … Continue reading Get on Up for the father of funk

Students direct Gustavus Theatre Galleries

Every year the Theatre and Dance Department gives students the opportunity to present their work. Alternating between the two arts, this year theatre students will showcase their talents in the Gustavus Theatre Galleries. The showcase will feature three plays with two of them being student directed. That Time, originally written by Samuel Beckett, will be directed by Junior Theatre Major Thomas Buan. Samuel Bekett is … Continue reading Students direct Gustavus Theatre Galleries