Student-created play addresses mental illness

The student led play, ctrl presents a visual representation of what happens internally to a person with some form of mental illness. Beginning the initial conception nearly a year ago, the one act play, opening this weekend, was created by Seniors Annie Galloway, Autumn Ike, Malia Yang, and Nikki Rom. The student showcase, originally planned to be performed in the fall, has been transformed into … Continue reading Student-created play addresses mental illness

Tales from Abroad (2/27/15)

Tales from Abroad is an ongoing section in which Gustavus students share the highlights of their study abroad experiences. Hey everyone! My name is Ashley Eickhoff and I’m a Junior Spanish major with a LALACS minor, and am currently studying abroad in Guanajuato, México. Every local I’ve met is friendly and always willing to help—which was great in the times I’ve gotten lost. My host family … Continue reading Tales from Abroad (2/27/15)

Disney brings Marvel heroes to life

When Disney bought the rights to Marvel comics in 2009, the general public did not know what to expect for the future of the famous heroes that have been adored for decades. Would they all be animated movies aimed for children? Would Storm and She-Hulk become part of the Disney Princess line up? Six years later, Marvel is one of the biggest media names in … Continue reading Disney brings Marvel heroes to life

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Lesley Darling

Senior Lesley Darling describes herself as “not the typical overly involved Gustie.” If you asked her for a list of the organizations she’s involved in on campus, this may seem accurate. However, if you dig a little deeper than the surface level titles and accolades, it’s very apparent that Lesley is just as valuable in the community as a student involved in six different organizations. … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Lesley Darling

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby

This movie is no ordinary romance with its intriguing development history, it is actually two different movies combined into one. Ned Benson’s directorial debut focused on the two lovers in their own films, titled Him and Her (not to be confused with the 2013 film of the same name) and their perspectives on their personal issues and relationships. This version is Them, which combines the … Continue reading The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby

Second Hispanic Film Festival held at Gustavus

Gustavus Adolphus College provides students and community members with opportunities to view different cultures through a variety of mediums. The College is currently hosting its second Hispanic Film Festival during six weeks of February and March. The festival is free and open to the public, featuring screenings of six films from different Hispanic countries and directors. The films will be shown in the Wallenberg Auditorium … Continue reading Second Hispanic Film Festival held at Gustavus

Tales from Abroad (2/20/15)

Tales from Abroad is an ongoing section in which Gustavus students share the highlights of their study abroad experiences. The choice to participate in the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics program was all about the math. The ability to spend a semester completely submerged in the study of mathematics seemed right up my alley, and the fact that the program was located in Budapest was just an … Continue reading Tales from Abroad (2/20/15)

Importance of Being Earnest remains relevant

First performed on Valentine’s Day back in 1895, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest has endured in popularity over the years. The comedy, along with its high farce and witty dialogue, provides an intriguing satire of Victorian ways. The plot observes the main characters as they attempt to evade several arduous engagements by taking on fictitious persona. Wilde purposely mocks the rigid performances of … Continue reading Importance of Being Earnest remains relevant

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Addie Konnad

As a fourth generation Gustie and the ninth member of her family to attend Gustavus, Junior Addie Konnad had considered other colleges after high school with the support of her family, but says nowhere else compared to the friendliness and comfort of life on The Hill. “I had come to so many events growing up that I came to love the community and the environment. … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Addie Konnad

Dracula Untold not sharp enough to bite

Count Dracula is one of the more fascinating literary characters that scholars get a kick out of analyzing, which cannot be said for all villainous characters. Because of this, Bram Stoker´s character popularized the concept of the vampire long before Twilight, and has appeared in a number of films played by several actors that would make James Bond blush. Instead of simply adapting Stoker´s novel … Continue reading Dracula Untold not sharp enough to bite