Ant-Man Packs a Big Punch

Like Guardians of the Galaxy, many thought that Marvel was taking a big risk with this year’s Ant-Man starring Paul Rudd and Michael Douglas. The movie’s development history has been quite a roller coaster. It was originally conceived back in 2006 and was the dream project of critically acclaimed director Edgar Wright, but Wright unexpectedly dropped out last year due to creative differences. While his … Continue reading Ant-Man Packs a Big Punch

Gustie of the Week – Laura Johnson

Senior Laura Johnson, a clarinet player since fifth grade, has been involved with music for a majority of her life. However, she says that it wasn’t until a high school music director shaped her way of thinking about music that she really developed a passion to pursue it in the future. “I think most people who decide to be music education majors have had an … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Laura Johnson

Gustie of the Week – Laura Johnson

Senior Laura Johnson, a clarinet player since fifth grade, has been involved with music for a majority of her life. However, she says that it wasn’t until a high school music director shaped her way of thinking about music that she really developed a passion to pursue it in the future. “I think most people who decide to be music education majors have had an … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Laura Johnson

27th Annual Honor Band Festival fosters passion for music

In recent years, Gustavus Adolphus College has become more recognized for the musical talents on campus. Christmas in Christ Chapel and other annual concerts and musical groups at Gustavus have become very well-known. Another event that is gaining attention is the Honor Band Festival. This year, the 27th Annual Honor Band Festival took place on Nov. 1 and 2 with a concluding concert in Christ … Continue reading 27th Annual Honor Band Festival fosters passion for music

Trainwreck surprises by not being a train wreck

Amy Schumer and Judd Apatow’s Trainwreck was a hit over the summer. It received solid praise from critics and made over $100 million at the box office, which is rare for comedies to do both. Unfortunately, the most notable thing associated with Trainwreck was the shooting in Lafayette, Louisiana during one of its screenings. This incident and the film became directly associated in many people’s … Continue reading Trainwreck surprises by not being a train wreck

Join Jason and the Argonauts on an epic adventure

The Gustavus community is set to be dazzled by another ambitious undertaking of the Gustavus Theatre Department. Beginning Nov. 5 through Nov. 8 students and faculty present the result of their hard work in the fall play, Argonautika: The Voyage of Jason and the Argonauts. The play is based on the Greek epic poem Argonautica written by Polonius. It tells the story of Jason who … Continue reading Join Jason and the Argonauts on an epic adventure

Gusite of the Week – Laura Herbers

For the majority of Senior Laura Herbers’ life, theatre has been a centerpiece. As someone who’s usually very shy, it’s provided her with a means to step outside herself and experiment with different personalities. Now, as a theatre major at Gustavus, it continues to shape not only her personality but also, her own niche within the community. “Laura takes her work very seriously and has … Continue reading Gusite of the Week – Laura Herbers

Luke Spehar Expresses Faith Through Music

Gustavus Adolphus College provides a wide variety of events for students, staff, and the general community of St. Peter. This Friday, Luke Spehar will perform in the Dive from 7 to 9 p.m. He is sponsored by Gustavus, the Newman Club, and the Church of St. Peter. This concert is free and open to the public as part of his “All Is Gift” tour. Spehar, … Continue reading Luke Spehar Expresses Faith Through Music