Students spend January 2019 in Indonesia

Preview: J-Term 2020 Study Abroad Trips

This coming January, Gustavus students will disperse to locations all over the world through this year’s ten J-Term IEX programs. Gusties were eager to get involved in the 2020 J-Term experiences, according to Assistant Director of Study Away Programs Bryan Messerly. “We had several of the courses filled up to capacity and several of the courses with a waitlist,” Messerly said. One such program is … Continue reading Preview: J-Term 2020 Study Abroad Trips

Cherland is originally from Saskatchewan, Canada.

Gustie of the Week: Elisabeth Cherland

Visiting Assistant Professor in Music, Dr. Elisabeth Cherland, has found herself more grounded in her roots since coming to Gustavus. “I’m really thrilled to be here in Minnesota and at a Lutheran institution,” Cherland said. Originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, Cherland continues to carry on a generations-long love of music as a singer, violinist, educator and now her role as the conductor of the Choir of … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Elisabeth Cherland

Catching up with the Speech and Debate Team

Previously a co-curricular organization, the Speech and Debate Team became a student-run organization in the fall of 2018. Since then, the group has witnessed tremendous growth in membership and multiple successful tournaments. It not only nurtures the art of public speaking at Gustavus Adolphus College but also connects Gusties with the open and supportive community of speech and debate enthusiasts across the United States. “Public … Continue reading Catching up with the Speech and Debate Team

The marquee display for the “Mean Girls” play at the Orpheum Theater in downtown Minneapolis.

Review: Mean Girls at the Orpheum

On Thursday, Oct. 10, the Campus Activities Board (CAB) sponsored an event where students were able to see the Mean Girls musical at the Orpheum Theater in Minneapolis. CAB co-Presidents Senior Emily Scroggins and Junior Aly Granholm planned and coordinated the event, which was attended by many Gusties. CAB has had a tradition of taking students to musicals or plays in the fall semesters, offering … Continue reading Review: Mean Girls at the Orpheum

Banks is a member of the track and field team where she partici- pates in long-jump and sprinting events.

Gustie of the Week: Tyra Banks

Junior Tyra Banks is a well-known student who has made a profound impact at Gustavus. “If you see [Banks] out and about, there’s a one hundred percent guarantee that she will be a light brightening other people’s day. Her ability to serve her community and build connections is admirable to say the least. I wouldn’t say she embodies the Gustie spirit as much as I … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Tyra Banks

Interfaith programs foster acceptance on campus

Gustavus strives to be an interconnected and accepting community, and one of the ways this is accomplished is through the interfaith organizations on campus. Though the college is rooted deeply in its Lutheran history, there are resources for students of all faiths, backgrounds and denominations. Inclusivity and education are priorities for all of the religious organizations and they work to create spaces and opportunities that … Continue reading Interfaith programs foster acceptance on campus

Gustie of the Week: Sarah Hinderman

Senior Sarah Hinderman, an involved and friendly face on campus, is our Gustie of the Week. Hinderman is a Communication Studies major from Fairfax, Minnesota and has made an impact on campus. Hinderman is involved in many student organizations on campus; she is a Marketing Executive for the Campus Activities Board, Public Relations chair for the Alpha Sigma Tau sorority, an employee in the Office … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Sarah Hinderman

Falenschek works with student leaders to support the Christian programming on campus.

Gustie of the Week: Maggie Falenschek

As a Chaplain and the Director of Campus Ministries, Reverend Maggie Falenschek finds her job’s purpose in caring, supporting, and promoting what the Gustavus community builds and values. “I provide care and support for students and staff from any or all philosophical worldviews or religious backgrounds. I also oversee all Christian programming on campus, which often means being head cheerleader for all of our talented … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Maggie Falenschek

Eidahl (sixth from left) poses with her study-abroad group.

Tales from Abroad: ReAnn Eidahl

Where in the world  are Gusties this week? Senior ReAnn Eidahl is spending her fall semester in the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic. Eidahl has been excited for this opportunity and has prioritized it before she became a student on campus. “Spending a semester abroad has been at the top of my college to-do list before I even started freshman year,” Eidahl … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: ReAnn Eidahl

Brockmann is particularly interested in women’s political discourse.

Gustie of the Week: Breena Brockman

The students of the class of 2023 are not the only Gusties exploring their new home at the start of this school year. Visiting Assistant Professor  in Communication Studies Breena Brockmann is also settling into her place on the hill and getting used to a new climate after relocating to Minnesota from Georgia. However, the environment at Gustavus is far from unfamiliar to her. “I’m … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Breena Brockman