Letter to the Editor: Zodiac Signs as Majors

Taylor Storlien- To the Editor, Each week I read the horoscopes that are posted, but this week I found myself wondering: “What are those zodiac signs doing academically?” With Advising Day fresh on everyone’s minds, I thought I would share what each zodiac would major in, at least according to me. First up, we have Aries. Now to me, Aries are a bold and courageous … Continue reading Letter to the Editor: Zodiac Signs as Majors

A Thinkpiece on Ragebait

Anonymous- Given the past several days, it has been increasingly difficult to be on social media since the end of the election. Society knew that with either result, there would be an explosion on social media; but this specific result has led to a place of mourning. Getting past this place of mourning has been difficult for many, and for others it seems ridiculous to … Continue reading A Thinkpiece on Ragebait

The Gustie Pantry: Letter to the Editor

Sophia White and Grace LaTourelle- There is a need for students on the Gustavus campus to have better accessibility to food and cleaning/toiletry supplies. The cost of living for college students can quickly stack up, especially if students aren’t supported financially by another party. Many students work two to three jobs, both on-campus and off-campus. So, the Chaplain’s Office paired up with United Christian Ministries … Continue reading The Gustie Pantry: Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: this turkey is tired of the treatment of turkeys on Thanksgiving

Elliot Steeves, interpreting for an angry turkey- (The following letter was obtained as a half-torn paper with the hastily scrawled words “Gobble Gobble [expletive] Gobble Gobble.” We hired renowned Turkeeze translator Steve Toill to assist us in transcribing the sudden letter.) Dear Editor-in-Chief at the resident newspaper, The Gustavian Weekly, at Gustavus Adolphus College in St Peter, Minnesota, the States of America, North American Continent, … Continue reading Letter to the Editor: this turkey is tired of the treatment of turkeys on Thanksgiving

Letter to the Editor: resurgence of a past Gustie call to action

Anonymous- Bottled water is an issue, though not clear-cut, that needs to be addressed and examined. I am reigniting a Gustie call to action from the past, in hopes of inspiring change. Bottled water is a polarized issue, and as I’ve come to realize, an issue that has been remarkably brought up on our campus before. I reviewed the Gustavian Weekly’s online archives for information. … Continue reading Letter to the Editor: resurgence of a past Gustie call to action

Letter to the Editor (11/8/19)

I’m writing in regard to the opinion articles posted in last week’s publication about diversity. Lauren Casey’s article titled “The great poster debate” is deeply rooted in white privilege and ignorance. At the end of her article she states, “For those who disapprove with how Gustavus handles diversity, as harsh as it sounds, they didn’t force any student to come here and anyone is free … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (11/8/19)

Letter to the Editor (11/8/19)

In regard to Lauren Casey’s column about “The Great Poster Debate”: As an Asian American student of a college with a white dominant student body, I am angry. This column perpetuates the divide of US vs. THEM on campus. Not only is this column unfair and unjust, it also represents the lack of understanding on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The aspects she suggests these … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (11/8/19)

Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)

Parking on college campuses can be a huge issue, and here at Gustavus it has been an ongoing issue that needs to be solved. Personally, the parking situation at Gustavus has been anything but great from the four years I have been attending. Struggling to find parking each year has become the big trend and challenge on campus. It is almost like a mini celebration … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)

Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)

With the evolution of social media and access to creative outlets such as YouTube, there’s no doubt the makeup industry is booming with eager young adults looking for ways to express themselves or recommendations for quality products. Because of the global efforts surrounding recent brands who have taken a stand against animal testing the question of why some brands are continuing to harm innocent animals … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)

Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)

Minnesota’s minority population is rapidly growing. Since 2010, the black community has jumped 31 percent, the Hispanic population 20 percent and the Asian population 30 percent. The Gustavus student body will continue to diversify along with Minnesota. Now more than ever. minority professors and staff are a necessity in our diverse world. They are important not just in the places that encourage diversity, but also … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (10/18/19)