Safety On The Hill

On campus, the Gustavus Campus Safety officers aim to provide the safest environment possible to produce a healthy academic environment. Known by many as the killjoys that dole out alcohol violations, the responsibilities of the Campus Safety officers extend much farther. In addition to responding to alcohol and drug usage, the officers are responsible for the security of the residence halls, academic buildings and surrounding … Continue reading Safety On The Hill

Beneath the Crown (3/11/16)

Is there something you would change about your life? If so, why? “All throughout my life, I’ve been moving around a lot. I’ve been through at least, from what I can remember, seven or eight schools. So, with that in mind, I’m always meeting new people, anywhere and everywhere. It hasn’t always been because I wanted to but more because I didn’t really have a … Continue reading Beneath the Crown (3/11/16)

Suffragette sheds light on women’s rights history

Typically when films show the history of various forms of inequality in the past, the standard reaction I’ve seen from audiences is shock at how bad things were and some reassurance that at least the issues have  been improved since then. I don’t think this should be the mindset when seeing movies like this. Sure laws have improved for African ­Americans, women, homosexuals, and other … Continue reading Suffragette sheds light on women’s rights history

Africa Night celebrates cultural diversity

Gustavus Adolphus College is full of diversity and often hosts cultural events sponsored by different student organizations. An upcoming cultural event on campus is Africa Night hosted by the Pan­Afrikan Student Organization (PASO) on Friday, March 11. PASO promotes the cultures of the continent of Africa and its Diasporas. The annual Africa Night celebration has been going on for more than ten years and will … Continue reading Africa Night celebrates cultural diversity

Gustie of the Week – Courtney Harbeck

During her first year at Gustavus, now Senior Courtney Harbeck jumped head first into studying to become a dentist. Today, as she finishes her last semester of the Business Management major, she reflects that her proudest moment in college was having the courage to switch majors. “I had been set on being a dentist for so long that allowing myself to admit I could follow … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Courtney Harbeck

Senior Spotlight – Hannah Erickson

Q: What are your expectations for the season? A: The expectations for the season are pretty high both individually and as a team. I currently have a broken wrist, so I am looking to not let this be any major setback and continue to improve from the fall season. As for the team as a whole, we are looking to improve our scoring average as … Continue reading Senior Spotlight – Hannah Erickson

Men’s Tennis striving for excellence

The Gustavus Men’s Tennis team made quite a splash on Saturday, Feb. 27, earning three 9-0 victories over Bethel University, Concordia College-Moorhead, and Morningside College at home in the Swanson Tennis Center. The first victory over Bethel came off of strong performances by Sophomores Mohanad Alhouni, Tommy Entwistle, and Zach Ekstein, Junior David Hagberg and Senior Andres Saenz. The win against Morningside introduced more players … Continue reading Men’s Tennis striving for excellence