Guns don’t belong in classrooms

Finishing that assignment on time, organizing your locker, finding the perfect crayon for your artwork and making new friends. These are things that students in our schools should be worrying about. Not about the safety of their peers, teachers or themselves. Everyone has a right to an education. With that right, we all deserve to feel safe inside our schools. This is the one place … Continue reading Guns don’t belong in classrooms

Interns shouldn’t have to work for free

Employers should be required to pay their interns a minimum wage salary. Every year undergraduate and graduate students alike swarm the internet for an opportunity to intern in their work sector of choice. It is said that the job market is competitive, and very aware of society’s acceptance of many entry level jobs requiring three to five years of work experience in addition to higher … Continue reading Interns shouldn’t have to work for free

The death of the Gustie community

Let’s face it: Gustavus faces a community problem. Greek Life is currently a walking corpse. Student organizations have falling attendance numbers—Student Senate had an uncontested co-presidential election, and I’m sure everyone has heard the rumblings that went on within the Building Bridges membership this year. But perhaps most devastating, the lack of off-campus houses has created a social void that remains unfilled. This off-campus chasm … Continue reading The death of the Gustie community

Celebrities have opinions too

Imagine being part of a well-known television show or film series and loving the character you portray, along with the fans you have gained from it. These fans support you in your blossoming acting career and you show your appreciation for them through social media posts and frequent appearances at events like comic-con in order to meet them. Now, imagine a large portion of these … Continue reading Celebrities have opinions too

Building Bridges hosts annual GAC’s Got Talent

On Friday, March 2, Building Bridges put on the annual talent show titled “GAC’s Got Talent.” Building Bridges hosts this event in order to promote their annual conference. This year, that conference was on Saturday, March 3 and surrounded the topic of mental health. The talent show was one of numerous events during last week before the conference. “We had an event each day of … Continue reading Building Bridges hosts annual GAC’s Got Talent

Gustavus Women in Leadership hosts Nancy Dahl

One aspect of a liberal arts education is to attend inspirational talks given by successful individuals. This past Tuesday, the Gustavus Women in Leadership, commonly known as GWIL, had the privilege of hosting Nancy Dahl, author of the book, Grounded: Leading Your Life With Intention. “It’s a book all about living your life with intention, and we just figured it was a really cool opportunity … Continue reading Gustavus Women in Leadership hosts Nancy Dahl

PASO plans exciting events for Africa Week

Next week, the Gustavus Pan-Afrikan Student Organization, or PASO, will kick off its annual Africa Week — a series of unique, innovative events and activities that aims to celebrate African culture and heritage. This year, PASO has scheduled a number of exciting events on campus that center on the theme “Represent Your Roots: Celebrating Pan-Africanism.” “Africa Week is a week when PASO hosts several small … Continue reading PASO plans exciting events for Africa Week

Campus Safety Report (03/09/18)

Tuesday, February 27 Campus Safety took a report of a theft of cash from an unlocked locker in the Lund Center. Campus Safety took a report of property missing from the Jackson Campus Center. A student organization’s music stands were missing from a storage closet. Campus Safety took a report from a student of receiving unwanted and threatening communications from a non-stud Campus Safety took … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (03/09/18)

Tales from Abroad – Liz Geerdes

This past J-term, I joined 39 Gustavus students and three professors from the Physics department on the trip of a lifetime to New Zealand and Australia for five weeks. I learned so much about myself, traveling, and the way of life for people in these countries. We started our trip in Christchurch, New Zealand and studied astronomy there for one week. The next week was … Continue reading Tales from Abroad – Liz Geerdes