Fall greeted with joy and sorrow

Excitement rages through the Gustavus campus. Friends reunite themselves with those whom they’ve been parted from for three whole months and can now be seen anywhere at any time. It seems nothing could go wrong for anyone. But this, the first week of class, is not so euphoric for all, dear Gusties. Our esteemed Gustie Greeters find that all they’ve lived to uphold for the … Continue reading Fall greeted with joy and sorrow

Fall sports off to strong start

Fall sports have started off with a bang, and the coaches are enthused by what they have seen in the first few competitions. Volleyball: fresh faces fitting in well Volleyball is off to a 3-1 start after last weekend at the UW-Whitewater tournament. Head Coach Rachelle Dosch is excited about how her team is performing already in the season. “We are young, but at a … Continue reading Fall sports off to strong start

Make your plate count

Every fall, students come back to campus anticipating change. While some are more visually striking than others,  there are many that are underutilized. One such change is the new Nutritional Guidebook near the entrance to the tray line in the Cafeteria. Prompted by student request, Nutritionist George Elliot and Head of Dining Services Steve Kjellgren began discussing the possibility of creating a nutritional guidebook that … Continue reading Make your plate count

Greeters and faculty envision a more ‘seamless’ first-year experience…

…with new pilot program With another new fall semester on the horizon, the Gustie Greeters charge up the hill, enthusiastically welcoming the new first-year students to campus. This time around, however, they bring with them some changes to the program. In an experimental pilot program, four of the First Term Seminars (FTS) will consist of four Greeter Groups, as opposed to previously random assignments. In … Continue reading Greeters and faculty envision a more ‘seamless’ first-year experience…