DreamWorks presents:…

…slightly above average Rise of the Guardians Needless to say, my expectations were low. I’d heard very little of this movie, for one thing; for another, the premise just screamed mediocrity. However, as I found myself somewhat invested in the plot halfway in, I realized Rise of the Guardians worth was greater than anticipated. Try to soak this in and not yawn, as I did—it’s … Continue reading DreamWorks presents:…

Calendar (2-22-13)

The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but actually what’s in those emails we get at like 1 a.m. that I imagine no one reads. Friday, Feb. 22 Faculty Shop Talk: Interpretive Center 4:30 p.m. The Gustavus faculty knows their s@#$ about cars. Weekend Movie: Rise of the Guardians: Wallenberg Auditorium 8 p.m. The alternate title was … Continue reading Calendar (2-22-13)

Reading this will make you cooler

Eric Whitacre beats dead horse Nowadays the internet is making it easier than ever for musicians, composers, and 14-year-old rich girls to get their music out into the world and into the ears of any human with access to a computer. However, the same artists who gain their fame and success on the World Wide Web can easily use its tools to exploit their fans … Continue reading Reading this will make you cooler

The Bunion

Bruises increase in academia The opening of The Fighting Center brings about the age-old debate of whether or not “the pen is mightier than the sword.” And in the case of Gustavus’ newest tutoring organization, the sword trumps the pen every time. The Writing Center has a new neighbor in Confer Hall as their up-and-coming competition and all out adversary, The Fighting Center, opens its … Continue reading The Bunion

The hidden truth

Are we moving too far with technology? What is technology? According to Random House Webster’s College Dictionary, technology “is the application of knowledge for practical ends” or the “branch of knowledge that deals with applied science, engineering, and the industrial arts.” Now with that said, one has to wonder how far our society has progressed in the age of technology. I’ve concluded that technology has … Continue reading The hidden truth

Job Search Article Response

Katie Volney in her “The Job Search Quandry” article is correct…..your career cannot stand only on your education from a “good” school. Your good education is one leg supporting your career. The other legs are engagement (you need to care more about your career than anyone else), exposure (manage your online presence and get to know people well enough for them to refer opportunities to … Continue reading Job Search Article Response

Letter to the Editor (2-22-13)

Dear Weekly- I can’t help but notice all the sex-soliciting posters. As a Lutheran school, we don’t do much to perfect sexual intimacy. The condom and STD posters everywhere lack the encouragement of sexual purity, or waiting till marriage to have sex. I know that a lot of the posters on campus are the nurses trying to keep everyone from possible pregnancies and STDs. But … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (2-22-13)