Tales From Abroad: Malaysia

What is diversity? It is a question I have played through my mind countless times. While my family upbringing and Gustavus have fostered a positive environment for diversity, the notion of what diversity means to me was turned on its head Feb. 14. Upon stepping foot in Penang, Malaysia, I noticed immediately that my skin set me aside from the Malaysians. What is this feeling? … Continue reading Tales From Abroad: Malaysia

The Evolution of Building Bridges

Building Bridges continues to grow Junior Mark Zorilla takes in a deep breath as Senior Kelly Dumais giggles uncomfortably. Both share a knowing glance at the thought of their nervousness for the pinnacle of their year thus far, the opening of the 19th Annual Building Bridges conference, to which they are co-chairs. “This whole year we’ve been running around with our heads cut off, but … Continue reading The Evolution of Building Bridges

Finding purpose and happiness

You become more and more comfortable with your daily routines as time goes by. Wake up. Breakfast. Class. Chapel. Class. Lunch. Class. Nap. Practice. Supper. Homework. Bed. Going through the motions becomes regular habit as we do the same things over and over again. It’s almost as if we live according to a pre-made schedule that says, “This is what you are going to do.” … Continue reading Finding purpose and happiness

My Problem with “Privilege”

Around this campus, the idea of “privilege” gets tossed around quite a bit; white privilege, class privilege, and heterosexual privilege are the most commonly heard “privilege” phrases. Certainly there are perks to being a member of those classes. As a white, heterosexual, upper-class male I am less likely to be stopped by police cars, harassed for my choice in partners, and I have benefited greatly … Continue reading My Problem with “Privilege”

Letter to the Editor (3/7/2014)

Response to “No ifs, ands, or butts” I am deeply disappointed in the representation of Student Senate presented in the recent article “No ifs, ands, or butts.” Ms Nickel’s writing showed a profound lack of knowledge concerning both the situation and the capabilities of the Student Senate. Most frustrating was the claim that students see the replacement of the chairs in the Courtyard Cafe as … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (3/7/2014)

Calendar (3/7/2014)

* The Calendar Page is considered editorial. The opinions expressed herein are not the opinions of The GusTavian Weekly, but Rebecca Bergman’s first rulings as President-Elect of Gustavus. Making a lot of noise here. Friday, Mar. 7 GAC’s Got Talent: The Caf 7 p.m. But grammatical fluency is not one of those talents. Weekend Movie: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire: Wallenberg Auditorium 7 & 10 p.m. Given how clumsy … Continue reading Calendar (3/7/2014)

Campus Safety Report (3/7/2014)

Wednesday, February 26 A non-student and a Gustavus student while in Gibbs Hall were cited by the Saint Peter Police Department for underage consumption. The Gustavus student was cited for underage consumption and possession and a social host violation by Campus Safety. The non-student was issued a trespass warning by Campus Safety. Thursday, February 27  A Physical Plant employee reported suspicious activity at Norelius Hall. … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (3/7/2014)