Students propose new core value

During Earth Week, students likely noticed the addition of a green “Sustainability Pillar” which resided outside of the cafeteria. According to Gustavus Greens Co-President Cameron Reischauer, the idea for the pillar originated during the meetings of the student organization as a component of Earth Week. Students and faculty passing by were encouraged to sign the pillar in support of sustainability efforts during Earth Week. “We … Continue reading Students propose new core value

Entertainment (5/1/15)

“There are so many different aspects that make my work meangingful to me. Seeing students progress and being a part of their journy through music to achieve artistry and observing their sense of accomplishment and appreciation of artistry when they experience it is my favorite part,” said Professor of Music and Gustavus Choir Director, Gregory Aune. Across 4. Name of the aircraft that dropped the … Continue reading Entertainment (5/1/15)

Discovery of Self combines forms of visual art

Discovery of Self, taking place this weekend, is a Dance Honors Project providing an extraordinary combination of visual arts and dance. Sponsored by the Department of Theatre and Dance, The Discovery of Self is Jordan Bergman’s senior honor project. For Senior Jordan Bergman, Art Studio and Dance major, The Discovery of Self allows her to display both of her passions. Thematically based around the discovery … Continue reading Discovery of Self combines forms of visual art

Life of WWII hero recognized in historical thriller

The Imitation Game was one of the notable films of 2014 thanks to the number of nominations it received, particularly from the Academy Awards. Even though the film did not win much, this recognition brought the film more attention. The historical thriller directed by Morten Tyldum focused on the life of Alan Turing, who was most notable for solving the Enigma code, but was later … Continue reading Life of WWII hero recognized in historical thriller

Swedish Artist-In-Residence shares work and wisdom

Q: What was your role in the Surrealistförlaget group? A: It’s called The Surrealist Group of Stockholm (Surreslistgruppen I Stockholm). I wasn’t one of the founding members, but I joined them in an early state. We did a lot of experimental things, in life as well as in the arts. Later, I left the group, since groups like this tend to be secteriscit, and I … Continue reading Swedish Artist-In-Residence shares work and wisdom