Letter to the Editor (10/12/18)

To the Editor-

The HerCampus chapter at Gustavus wanted to formally state our position regarding the controversial window paintings last week. We chose to write “We Stand With Survivors” on our window after seeing the harmful message that the College Republicans wrote on theirs, and we continue to stand by that message, even after the windows in the caf have been cleaned. While HerCampus is not technically affiliated with any political party, we unanimously voted to write the message. Additionally, any political party that supports taking away women’s rights–or human rights, for that matter–is not a party that HerCampus will support. We believe in equality for all, and hope that the rest of campus joins us in making that goal a reality here on the hill.

If you or someone you know is a survivor of sexual assault, please know that we at HerCampus support and love you. We also encourage you to reach out to the Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), Campus Safety, or someone else you trust. You are not alone.


The HerCampus Gustavus team