American Hustle is stylish but confusing for audiences

Director David O. Russell has been on a roll for the last few years.  He’s directed critically-acclaimed Oscar-winning movies such as The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook, which succeeded thanks to his direction and top notch casting. Now, he’s combined the best of both casts to create the crime dramedy known as American Hustle. It tied with Gravity for the most Oscar nominations of 2013, … Continue reading American Hustle is stylish but confusing for audiences

The must-see movies of this summer

With the release of The Amazing Spiderman 2 this week, Hollywood begins its annual summer blockbuster season. Nearly every week from here to the end of August we’ll see a number of releases. This summer continues the ever-increasing release of superhero movies, a slew of adult comedies, sequels looking to continue success, and adaptations of novels, musicals, and graphic novels all to the silver screen. … Continue reading The must-see movies of this summer

Gustie of the Week – Valentina Muraleedharan

Senior Valentina Muraleedharan is a key component in the project of making Gustavus a more culturally competent and inclusive place. Her commitment to this project is manifest in her personal and professional life. She is a communication studies and gender, women, and sexuality studies double major. She is also an international student, hailing from Botswana, Southern Africa. Valentina grew up in a multi-cultural home. Her … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Valentina Muraleedharan

Mendacity brings secrets and suspense to the stage

Seniors Comfort Dolo and Rob Ward have been acting together since their first theater class at Gustavus. Now, they have come together once again to create something of their own. Their senior honors project, Mendacity, will be performed in the Black Box theatre April 25 and 26 at 8:00 p.m. and April 27 at 2:00 p.m. This is a product of months of hard work … Continue reading Mendacity brings secrets and suspense to the stage

The Lego Movie builds new Warner Brothers audience

Lego® is one of the few toy brands that has stood the test of time. It encourages creativity among its consumers, and its access to multiple brands widens its appeal to various audiences.  There are a number of movies that have been made for marketing purposes and to sell toys, but what happens when the toys become the movie?  There have been failed attempts at … Continue reading The Lego Movie builds new Warner Brothers audience

Dance company to perform Graceful Spring Concert

The school year is drawing to a close and with finals drawing near, students are looking forward to summer. However, there are still several events that should not be missed, including the 2014 Gustavus Dance Company’s annual Spring Dance Concert. Titled Grace and open to the public, the concert will be showing May 2-4 in the Anderson Theatre at 8 p.m. on both Friday and … Continue reading Dance company to perform Graceful Spring Concert

Letterman welcomes Stephen Colbert to take his seat in 2015

David Letterman is finally ending his career hosting late night television after over thirty years and 6,000 episodes. Letterman has been a prominent figure on television since his 1982 debut and has surpassed Johnny Carson as the longest-serving late-night-talk-show host in television history as of last year. A week after Letterman’s announcement, CBS officially announced that Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report will be taking … Continue reading Letterman welcomes Stephen Colbert to take his seat in 2015

Gustie of the Week: Ian Elletson

One of the best things about Gustavus students are how they not only take action when it comes to the world around them, but also have vibrant personalities.  Junior Computer Science Major Ian Elletson embodies both these qualities. Ian chose to be a computer science major because he loves to program, and he likes math.  One of Ian’s favorite parts of being at Gustavus is … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Ian Elletson

Gustavus Dance Company honored at ACDFA

Lights, camera, dance! Accompanied by Theatre and Dance Department Assistant Professors Melissa Rolnick and Jill Patterson, 19 Gustavus dance students attended the annual American Collegiate Dance Festival Association (ACDFA) in Milwaukee, Wisc. March 14-18. The ACDFA conference travels around the country and is held in a different city each year. The name of the conference will be changing next year to the American Collegiate Dance … Continue reading Gustavus Dance Company honored at ACDFA

Fairy tale-inspired String Moves captivates students

The air fills with the swells and dips of a piano, two cellists, and a violinist, all moving in one, fluid motion. Students lean eagerly over the railings as a dancer gracefully bends and curls across the floor. The only moving things are the dancer and the strings. String Moves, a concert put on by four professional musicians and a renowned choreographer and dancer, took … Continue reading Fairy tale-inspired String Moves captivates students