Percussion Ensemble prepares Spring Concert

If you’re in the mood for a good rhythm this weekend, then look no further than the Gustavus Percussion Ensemble Spring Concert being held this Sunday, April 26, in Bjorling Recital Hall at 1:30 p.m. The director of this talented group is Paul Hill, the Adjunct Instructor in Music at Gustavus. Since graduating from the University of MN-Twin Cities in 2000 with a Master’s Degree … Continue reading Percussion Ensemble prepares Spring Concert

Battle of the Five Armies disappoints

Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth Adventures finally come to a close. During the making of the Hobbit films, many had mixed feelings on the idea that a book smaller than any of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings books was going to be stretched into three movies. Three years after the announcement, critics and audiences are still divided on how the franchise was handled. Some dislike … Continue reading Battle of the Five Armies disappoints

Mad Men’s final season marks end of an era

Considered to be one of the greatest television dramas of all time, the 1960s set-piece Mad Men is finally coming to an end. Following Don Draper, an excellent ad man in New York City, the show travels from 1960 to 1970 throughout its seven seasons. Adopting their very successful last season strategy from Breaking Bad, the final season was split into two parts. The first … Continue reading Mad Men’s final season marks end of an era

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Matt Rasmussen

As a first-year student at Gustavus, Matt Rasmussen had his eyes set on a major in Computer Science, but like the typical college student, he soon found greater passions elsewhere. Unlike the average college student, those passions have brought him back to the Gustavus community more than 20 years later as Visiting Assistant Professor in English and a highly decorated poet. “Matt was in my … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Matt Rasmussen

Gustavus Dance Company reveals their world

Everyone views the world around them in their own way, but imagine seeing it through someone else’s eyes. This year’s spring dance concert, How I Know the World, does just that. Put on by the Gustavus Dance Company, the performance is a collaboration between students, staff, and visitors. The concert will be performed in the Anderson Theatre, April 17-19. Directed by professor of Theatre and … Continue reading Gustavus Dance Company reveals their world

Mockingjay misses the mark

The popular young adult dystopian film adaptations based on Suzanne Collins Hunger Games trilogy are coming to a close. Following the trend popularized by Harry Potter, the final installment is split into two parts, with part two coming in November. Whether one loves or hates these movies, there’s no denying the impact they’ve had in the last couple of years by popularizing the genre and … Continue reading Mockingjay misses the mark

The Gustavus and Vasa Wind Orchestra join together for an exciting concert

Bringing together two ensembles, the Gustavus and Vasa Wind Orchestras Concert will display many of the gifted and talented musicians on campus. Taking place March 21 at 1:30 p.m. in Bjoriling Recital Hall, admission is free for anyone who attends. The Gustavus Wind Orchestra (GWO)is directed by James Patrick Miller and consists of 65 members with many majors. Each of these members have had the … Continue reading The Gustavus and Vasa Wind Orchestra join together for an exciting concert

Tales from Abroad (3/20/15)

Tales from Abroad is an ongoing section in which Gustavus students share the highlights of their study abroad experiences. Every morning as I lay in bed, I am awoken by the friendly banter between two shop owners, which always begins with a “Ciao! Boungiorno!” They continue on loudly for a few minutes as they unlock their gates and sweep their front steps. A succession of noises … Continue reading Tales from Abroad (3/20/15)