Jupiter Ascending descends into dissapointment

Like M. Night Shamylan, the Wachowski Brothers have arguably hit their peak too early in their career, and have not succeeded in gaining that former glory since. To be fair, their peak came in the form of The Matrix, one of the most influential science fiction films of all time, and that’s pretty difficult to top. But even then, they haven’t made a film that … Continue reading Jupiter Ascending descends into dissapointment

Gustavus Ensembles fill the hill with music

Featuring six ensembles of various woodwind instruments, The Woodwind Chamber Ensemble Concert works to create a memorable performance. Along with BrassWorks, the yearly concert is a combination of all pieces rehearsed by each ensemble. The Woodwind Chamber Ensemble will consists of several flute, clarinet, saxophone ensembles, and one woodwind ensemble coached by Heidi Miller. For Sophomore Music and Education Major Nicole Skifton this concert will … Continue reading Gustavus Ensembles fill the hill with music

GUSTIE of the WEEK: Kory Kolis

While many would struggle to find any relation between Biology and Studio Art, senior Kory Kolis is a testament to the liberal arts education as he’s taken an interest in both. He’s found his own way to contribute to the two majors. “Kory represents the quintessential Gustie, which is a true liberal arts student who has majors and real passions in two different divisions of … Continue reading GUSTIE of the WEEK: Kory Kolis

Discovery of Self combines forms of visual art

Discovery of Self, taking place this weekend, is a Dance Honors Project providing an extraordinary combination of visual arts and dance. Sponsored by the Department of Theatre and Dance, The Discovery of Self is Jordan Bergman’s senior honor project. For Senior Jordan Bergman, Art Studio and Dance major, The Discovery of Self allows her to display both of her passions. Thematically based around the discovery … Continue reading Discovery of Self combines forms of visual art

Life of WWII hero recognized in historical thriller

The Imitation Game was one of the notable films of 2014 thanks to the number of nominations it received, particularly from the Academy Awards. Even though the film did not win much, this recognition brought the film more attention. The historical thriller directed by Morten Tyldum focused on the life of Alan Turing, who was most notable for solving the Enigma code, but was later … Continue reading Life of WWII hero recognized in historical thriller

Swedish Artist-In-Residence shares work and wisdom

Q: What was your role in the Surrealistförlaget group? A: It’s called The Surrealist Group of Stockholm (Surreslistgruppen I Stockholm). I wasn’t one of the founding members, but I joined them in an early state. We did a lot of experimental things, in life as well as in the arts. Later, I left the group, since groups like this tend to be secteriscit, and I … Continue reading Swedish Artist-In-Residence shares work and wisdom

Movie goers look forward to blockbuster summer

With the Avengers: Age of Ultron landing in theaters next week, the summer blockbuster season will officially begin. Followed by a plethora of action movies, sequels, comedies, and animated films, the silver screen will be shining brightly all summer. With so much anticipation aimed at the Avengers sequel, not much can be said about the film that hasn’t already been said. Expected to be the … Continue reading Movie goers look forward to blockbuster summer

Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter

Kim Krulish Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter Area Music enthusiasts around St. Peter are in for a treat this Friday, April 24. Soft jazz cover singer Maud Hixson will be performing at the Treaty Site History Center in St. Peter at 7:30 p.m., with doors opening at 7 p.m. The program, titled “An Evening With Maud Hixson,” will be presented by the Mankato Area … Continue reading Jazz Cover Singer Serenades St. Peter