A first-year student spends her afternoon paging through her copy.

Reviewing The Good Food Revolution

Beginning in the 2000-2001 Academic Year, the Reading in Common program has provided 19 classes of Gusties with books of high literary quality and interdisciplinary significance. As part of the tradition, the Reading in Common books deal with themes connected directly to the Nobel Conference theme. This year’s Reading in Common book is The Good Food Revolution…Growing Healthy Food, People, and Communities by Will Allen … Continue reading Reviewing The Good Food Revolution

Lucio hails from Inglewood, California.

Gustie of the Week: Lucio Gonzalez

Few people have involved themselves in the Gustavus community as much as Lucio Gonzalez.  Lucio is a junior Political Science and Philosophy double major from Inglewood, California.  He chose Gustavus particularly for the Political Science department and wanted the adventure of going to college far from home.  Lucio is heavily involved on campus in a variety of ways. He currently holds three different on-campus jobs, … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Lucio Gonzalez

Zach’s favorite part of the Gustavus community is the sense of connection.

Gustie of the Week – Zach Diedrich

The Gustavus community is fortunate to have well-rounded students who live up to the five pillars of the college: excellence, community, justice, service, and faith. Junior Zachary “Zach” Diedrich adheres to all these values, as he is an accurate representation of the pure goodness that Gustavus has to offer.  “Zach Diedrich approaches every situation with the perfect amount of charisma and thoughtfulness. He is passionate … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Zach Diedrich

Shaun has taken piano lessons for fifteen years and considers music a passion.

Gustie of the Week – Shaun Gilyard

Shaun Gilyard is about as active on campus as any Gustavus student. Shaun is a senior Economics major, specifically focused on financial economics, who is truly engaged in the Gustavus community. Lately, Shaun has been focused on off-campus research. He spent his summer doing research with some Gustavus faculty members in the Economics department.  They were lucky enough to receive a research grant and Shaun … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Shaun Gilyard

How to combat student homesickness

Now that it is the third week of the school year, some Gusties have yet to feel the rush of their academic work and co-curricular activities, but others already are feeling the pangs of homesickness. Born and raised in Saint Paul, Minn., Sophomore Quincy Yangh often feels homesick whenever he has time to relax and reflect, but he has turned homesickness into positive energy and … Continue reading How to combat student homesickness

Tales from abroad: Lanie Altmann

Lanie Altmann is a junior Communications Studies Major with a minor in Film and Media Studies. Altmann is from Olivia, Minnesota, and is currently studying abroad in Amsterdam, Netherlands. At Gustavus, she actively participates in Gustie Buddies, Gustavus Women in Leadership, and the mentoring program. The Junior Communications Studies Major decided to study abroad “to experience a new culture and to become an independent individual.” … Continue reading Tales from abroad: Lanie Altmann

Professor English enjoys traveling abroad during her free time.

Gustie of the Week – Patricia English

Patricia English, an Associate Professor in the Communication Studies Department, is currently celebrating her eighteenth year teaching at Gustavus. Well-beloved on the Hill, she is known among her dear colleagues and students as Patty. On campus, Patty teaches Intercultural, Interpersonal, and Small-group Communication and her studies focus on Intercultural Communication and Performance studies.  Patty considers herself a curious person, always eager to learn about new … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Patricia English

In her spare time, Mandii enjoys playing the ukelele.

Gustie of the Week – Mandii Braun

At the age of nineteen, college sophomore, double major, double minor, Amanda or Mandii Braun heads to meeting with politician, Jeff Brand.  For her, this is a normal Tuesday afternoon.  Braun grew up in the suburbs of the Twin Cities. Coming from Bloomington Minn. Bruan hadn’t thought she would achieve her dream of being highly active in the political world.   Her freshman year of … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Mandii Braun

Spotlight on: FOCUS IN/ON art collective

From September 10 to November 4, 2018, The Hillstrom Museum of Art (HMA) presents two exhibits to the public. One of them is FOCUS IN/ON, a collaborative art project between the HMA and a Gustavus faculty member featuring Minnesota artist Cameron Booth’s Toilers and 10 AM, Zero One, and Other Settings, a collection of paintings by Brooklyn Artist Tony Martin. As introduced by the Hilltrom … Continue reading Spotlight on: FOCUS IN/ON art collective

Tales from Abroad: Katie Keelin

Katie Keelin is a Junior Gustie currently studying away in Denmark. This week, she took a moment to reflect on her time there so far, which has been a truly positive experience for her. Katie said she chose to study away in Denmark primarily because of a study abroad program called DIS, centered out of Copenhagen.  “DIS offers a lot of unique opportunities that other … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Katie Keelin