A slam dunk for Gustavus

Tyler Grey is most recognizable to the Gustavus community as number 3 on the Men’s Basketball team. This junior Management Major and basketball wingman has been playing for Gustavus for the past three years. He has played basketball for the majority of his life. “I guess I’ve been playing for my whole life. I got my first tiny tykes basketball hoop for Christmas when I … Continue reading A slam dunk for Gustavus

Starcraft frenzy

For the past two weeks, Gustavus has been hosting a Starcraft II tournament. Starcraft is a real-time computer strategy game in which two opponents compete against each other. “A typical game of Starcraft consists of two opposing sides which battle to destroy each other,” Junior Computer Science Major and Public Relations Coordinator for the tournament. Cory Ruegg said. “It is a war game in which … Continue reading Starcraft frenzy

Michael Morimoto – Starting out fresh

Michael Morimoto has already made a strong first impression at Gustavus. “He’s one of the nicest, most involved and most unique people I’ve ever met,” First-year Amy Prasad, one of his high school friends, said. He is a “renaissance man” and among the ranks of the most promising First-year students. Michael, a Bloomington native and Gustavus First-year, has many interests and talents that range from … Continue reading Michael Morimoto – Starting out fresh

Emma Strand – Student involvement at new heights

It’s a well known fact that Gustavus students have a strong dedication to involvement, both up on the hill and in the greater community as well. Emma Strand is no exception to this characterization. The senior communication studies major, who hails from Woodbury, Minn. has been actively involved both on campus and off ever since the beginning of her student career as a Gustie. Although … Continue reading Emma Strand – Student involvement at new heights

Taking the express to finals

Live music, free food and professors serving students—all of this and more can be found at Midnight Express. As a Gustavus tradition, at the end of each semester, students, faculty and staff come together in the Market Place for a chance to de-stress and carbo-load before finals. This year, Midnight Express will take place on Wednesday, Dec. 15 from 10:00 p.m. to midnight. The event … Continue reading Taking the express to finals

Harry Potter is finally here, sort of

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows has arrived. Finally. Kind of. Sixteen months after the release of the previous installment, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, comes the first half of the seventh and final chapter in the Harry Potter saga. Yes, as I am sure many of you are aware, we all must wait longingly for eight more months before the cinematic representation … Continue reading Harry Potter is finally here, sort of

Rob Ward – Not an act

First-year Rob Ward is someone to keep your eye on … in the best way of course. Rob is extremely involved in the theatrical performing arts, and his interest in pursuing a theatre major was an influential factor in his choosing Gustavus. The Illinois native from the Chicago suburbs grew up watching classic films, picking up on the voices and carrying out imitations of the … Continue reading Rob Ward – Not an act