Unissued Diplomas: Reflection and Education

The Unissued Diplomas Exhibit opened on campus last week beginning Mon., Feb. 24th, 2025. The exhibit is a worldwide project that has extended across 24 countries with 110 locations and has been translated into 7 languages. The Exhibit will be up in the Gustavus Library Associates Reading Room in the Folke Bernadotte Library until March 22nd. Students are encouraged to come view it, remembering and … Continue reading Unissued Diplomas: Reflection and Education

Dining Service Transparency Panel

Grace LaTourelle- Concerns with dining service and meal plans are nothing new to the Gustavus campus. To address this, the Student Senate hosted a transparency panel in partnership with Dining Services to provide information and address student concerns on Thurs., January 30th, 2025. The panel was comprised of Vice President of Auxiliary Services Steven Kjellgren, Dietician Jen Donkin, Assistant Director of Dining Service Bobbi Sellner, … Continue reading Dining Service Transparency Panel

Michon Weeks comes to Gustavus for exhibition “Between Dreams”

Grace LaTourelle- The Gustavus Arts & Art History Department is presenting an artist talk with artist Michon Weeks, on her exhibition “Between Dreams: Paintings by Michon Weeks” on Tuesday, Oct. 1st, 2024. It will take place in the lecture hall next to the Schaefer Art Gallery, in conjunction with the Nobel Conference. The talk will be from 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., with the gallery … Continue reading Michon Weeks comes to Gustavus for exhibition “Between Dreams”

Welcome to Gustie life; a letter to new Gusties

Grace LaTourelle-  The Gustavian Weekly would like to welcome in the class of 2028 and welcome back all Gusties to the Hill. For the incoming First-years, the Weekly is the campus newspaper. Issues are published on Fridays and can be found in several locations, such as the Jackson Campus Center and the Folke Bernadotte Memorial Library, and even online. While the integrity of the Weekly … Continue reading Welcome to Gustie life; a letter to new Gusties

Fumbling finals (Web Exclusive)

Houston McLaury- Welp, it’s the end of the semester, Gusties. Another spring has passed us by, and with that, a multitude of changes will roll through the halls of each building with new requirements, new classes, and new people to meet come the start of the Fall semester. Along with that change comes the departure of the 2024 graduating class, pursuing bigger and better things … Continue reading Fumbling finals (Web Exclusive)

Gusties take the stage in Peter and the Starcatcher

Amelia Dewberry & Jay Erickson- Next weekend, Gustavus will be putting on the play Peter and the Starcatcher. Performances will run May 9th, 10th, and 11th at 8:00 p.m. and May 11th and 12th at 2:00 p.m. in the Rob and Judy Gardner Laboratory Theatre. The May 12th performance is intended for families, with a scavenger hunt for kids beginning at 1:00 p.m. outside the … Continue reading Gusties take the stage in Peter and the Starcatcher

Big Hill Farm wants to show Gusties how to do Earth Day right

Grace LaTourelle- A celebration of Earth Day and a campus clean-up will take place Friday, April 26th. The initiative will be led by the Johnson Center for Environmental Innovation. This year’s Earth Day events have the central theme of ‘plastic reduction’, which involves boosting composting and recycling efforts across campus. President Bergman will kick off the activities at 2:00 p.m. Following this, the ten groups, … Continue reading Big Hill Farm wants to show Gusties how to do Earth Day right

Women are funny! WAC, SRF, and GWIL to host comedians Soo Ra and Shyloh Blake

Katie Samek- The Women’s Action Coalition (WAC), Students for Reproductive Freedom (SRF), and Gustavus Women in Leadership (GWiL) would like to cordially invite Gustavus to join them for a laugh at “Women Are Funny!”, a comedy performance featuring comedians Soo Ra and Shyloh Blake. This event will take place on Thursday, April 25th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Alumni Hall. A make-your-own-trail mix … Continue reading Women are funny! WAC, SRF, and GWIL to host comedians Soo Ra and Shyloh Blake

Career Development Center launches new website using uConnect

Elliot Steeves- The Gustavus Career Center has transferred to the new UConnect platform [linked here] to host many of its functions found on both Handshake and PeopleGrove. The move involves the shift of many features, such as the time and location of networking events which required a login to access. The website is also designed to look substantially more modern than the previous website. Based … Continue reading Career Development Center launches new website using uConnect