Weekly staff says goodbye to another year

The Weekly Staff – With Love <3 As we near the end of the year and the cherry blossoms are just beginning to bloom, campus is abuzz with events and final assignments. And although COVID cases are on the rise, this spring concludes one of the first more “normal” years that Gustavus has seen since the beginning of the pandemic. Many departments, student organizations, and offices … Continue reading Weekly staff says goodbye to another year

Lund Center returns with soft open

Kendra Smaby – Staff Writer The Lund center expansion has been anticipated for years, being sold as a major selling point by coaches throughout athletics as a tool to gain new recruits. The illustrations excited the imagination with the promise of what was to come. But the past two years, living with Lund as a construction zone has been difficult. There have been a multitude of … Continue reading Lund Center returns with soft open

Gustavus seeks workers for summer jobs

Mel Pardock – Staff Writer As the year draws to a close and Gusties head home for the summer, campus won’t be as empty as you’d think. Just as Gustavus offers summer jobs and internships, some departments offer summer jobs – available for all Gusties who would like to make further connections in these departments and make some extra cash. Two of the many departments that … Continue reading Gustavus seeks workers for summer jobs

MAYDAY! returns: growing peacebuilders

Emily Seppelt – Lead Copy Editor The annual MAYDAY! Peace Conference took place this week at 10 a.m. in Christ Chapel on Wednesday, April 27. This year’s conference was titled “Growing Peacebuilders” and featured the co-founders of the non-profit organization Ceeds of Peace, Dr. Maya Soetoro and Dr. Kerrie Urosevich ‘93, as keynote speakers. The conference was also live-streamed and can be found on the Gustavus … Continue reading MAYDAY! returns: growing peacebuilders

Challenging the ‘center’ of liberal arts education

Carter Brown – Staff Writer On Tuesday, April 26, the sixth annual Matthias Wahlstrom lecture was held in Beck 101 at 4:30 PM. This was the first lecture held in two years, as the previous two lectures for 2021 and 2020 were canceled due to COVID-19 concerns. The speech is given by a Gustavus facility member on the topic of liberal arts in the 21st century, … Continue reading Challenging the ‘center’ of liberal arts education

Relay for Life raises awareness for cancer

Colin Maiwurm – Staff Writer On the 22nd of April, Gustavus’s annual Relay for Life event took place. Unlike the past few years, this year’s event was able to proceed without COVID affecting it majorly. This event was a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society which is centered around bringing awareness to cancer. Between twenty to thirty organizations were present that were involved from campus. Relay … Continue reading Relay for Life raises awareness for cancer

Moe Lectureship discusses U.S. immigration policies

Kendra Smaby – Staff Writer How many times could you learn the ABC’s?” This was Aura Bogado’s response to a question fielded to her about the education that migrant children receive while in ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) custody. Bogado made many impactful statements in her lecture given on Tuesday, April 19. COVID-19 has been a huge impact on all of our lives, and the Moe … Continue reading Moe Lectureship discusses U.S. immigration policies

David Blight lectures on Frederick Douglass’ legacy

Kendra Smaby – Staff Writer On Monday April 11, members of our campus community and the surrounding community were privileged enough to hear esteemed historian and the Sterling Professor of History, Professor of African American Studies, and of American Studies and Director of the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition at Yale, Dr. David Blight speak on The Legacies of Frederick … Continue reading David Blight lectures on Frederick Douglass’ legacy

Climate teach-in held to support sustainable actions

Colin Maiwurm – Staff Writer On Wednesday March 30, the annual Take Action Climate Teach-In event was held in Nobel Hall. This event has been going on for many years, and this year was Gustavus’s first time hosting the event on campus. This is a global event happening for high schools, colleges, and for communities. The reason for this conference is to educate a large variety … Continue reading Climate teach-in held to support sustainable actions

ARC hosts events to recognize adopted students

Lauren Roth – Staff Writer This week, the Adoptee, Recognition, Community (ARC) hosted its first series of events. The origins of this organization started in January of 2021 by Senior Co-Presidents Tia Lerud and Ani Bailey. “We both felt that Gustavus could benefit from a space for adoptees to connect with each other, as well as create connections with non-adoptees on the foundation of identity,” Lerud … Continue reading ARC hosts events to recognize adopted students