Campus Safety Report (Oct 7th, 2011)

Monday, September 26 • Campus Safety investigated a report of damaged property on college grounds.   Tuesday, September 27  • Campus Safety received a report of a theft of a personal laptop from Jackson Campus Center. • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at the west practice soccer fields.   Friday, September 30 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at Norelius Hall. … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (Oct 7th, 2011)

Campus Safety Report (Sept 30th)

Tuesday, September 20  • Campus Safety discovered that a fire extinguisher had been discharged in North hall.   Wednesday, September 21 • Campus Safety attempted to perform a welfare check on a student in Southwest Hall.   Thursday, September 22 • Three non-Gustavus students were cited with disorderly conduct in the Jackson Campus Center and removed from campus by the Saint Peter Police Department.   … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (Sept 30th)

Campus Safety Report (09/23/11)

Monday, September 12 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist in Mattson Hall. Tuesday, September 13 • A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at the Health Service Office. Wednesday, September 14 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at the Health Service Office. • A Gustavus student reported the theft of his iPod from the Jackson Campus Center. The iPod … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (09/23/11)

Campus Safety Report (Sept 16th, 2011)

Monday, September 5 • A student reported a car key stolen from her room in Norelius Hall.  The key was subsequently found. • A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at Lund Center.   Tuesday, September 6  • A student reported the theft of his unsecured bicycle from Pittman hall.   Wednesday, September 7 • A faculty member reported lost keys to Campus … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (Sept 16th, 2011)

Campus Safety Report (Sept 9th, 2011)

Friday, September 2 • Campus Safety responded to a Medical Assist in Norelius Hall. • A Gustavus student was cited for underage consumption, while in Southwest Hall.   Saturday, September 3 • Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at the International Center.   Sunday, September 4 • Two Gustavus students were charged by Campus Safety for underage consumption and a third student was charged … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (Sept 9th, 2011)

May 5 – May 7 Safety Report

Thursday, May 5 A Gustavus student was charged with an of-age liquor violation on college grounds. Saturday, May 7 A student in Norelius Hall was cited for underage consumption by Campus Safety and the St. Peter Police Department and transported to Detox. Two students while in Southwest Hall were cited by Campus Safety for Drug and narcotic violations. Two students were cited for a drug … Continue reading May 5 – May 7 Safety Report

April 28 – May Safety Report

Thursday, April 28 A Gustavus employee reported the theft of his iPod touch from the Market Place. Campus Safety responded to a Fire Alarm in the Adolphson House. Two students were cited for a Drug narcotic violation and a Drug equipment violation. Saturday, April 30 A Gustavus student while in the Johnson Student Union was charged by Campus Safety for Liquor Violation/of Age, Social Host … Continue reading April 28 – May Safety Report

April 11 – April 24 Safety Report

Monday, April 11 Suspicious activity was reported on Chapel Drive near Olin hall. Suspicious activity was reported in Sohre Hall. Tuesday, April 12 A Campus Safety Officer responded to Norelius Hall to take a report of damage to Gustavus property. Thursday, April 14 A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at the Jackson Campus Center. Two students while in Uhler Hall were cited … Continue reading April 11 – April 24 Safety Report

April 4 – April 9 Safety Report

Monday, April 4 A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at Old Main. A Campus Safety Officer responded to a medical assist at the Jackson Campus Center. Campus Safety responded to a medical assist in Southwest Hall. Tuesday, April 5 Two Gustavus students were cited for underage consumption of alcohol by Campus Safety. One student was cited for giving false information to a … Continue reading April 4 – April 9 Safety Report

March 8 – March 12 Safety Report

Tuesday, March 8 A Gustavus student reported the theft of his iPod Nano from Nobel Hall. A student reported a laptop stolen from the library. Wednesday, March 9 A Campus Safety officer responded to a medical assist at the north side of the Anderson Social Science building. Thursday, March 10 Campus Safety received a report of a lost key. Friday, March 11 A student on … Continue reading March 8 – March 12 Safety Report