RE: Bottled Water

Bottled water: It harms our environment, uses up our dwindling natural resources and uses up our college tuition money. Gustavus and its students can help put an end to this problem. Students should use reusable bottles! Students who buy one bottle of water from the cafeteria every day spend 638 dollars each year, but if they bought a reusable container instead, they would only spend … Continue reading RE: Bottled Water

RE: Interfaith Space

Recently, a collaborative effort by several departments and students created an inter-faith space on campus. Prior to this, there was no space on campus for general religious activity, neutral of all faiths but reserved specifically for spirituality. The space is a huge step forward for the campus, and a recognition and show of respect for the numerous faiths practiced by Gusties. It is a usable … Continue reading RE: Interfaith Space

RE: Pavement of Malls

After observing foot traffic on campus in recent weeks, I wish to submit a modest proposal. The powers-that-be should consider paving all of Eckman Mall and the east end of the West Mall. Many pedestrians seem to have adopted the simple geometric axiom to plan their itineraries across campus  – “The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” I suspect that very soon … Continue reading RE: Pavement of Malls

RE: Tolerance

This year’s Coming Out Week reminded us that we had passed the one-year anniversary of the infamous rock-painting. For those who don’t remember, the rock outside Old Main, which had been painted to advertise Coming Out Week, was later repainted black with a Bible reference that condemns homosexuality (Romans 1:27). While we do not agree with the methods in which this was carried out, the … Continue reading RE: Tolerance

Letter to the Editor RE: Coming Out Week

With the upcoming Coming Out Week, I wish to convey why we should celebrate homosexual and bisexual relationships. Now many of us have been told that we should be “tolerant” and “open-minded” about lifestyles different from our own. We have been told not to judge others simply because they are different. The main problem with this moral relativist stance is that it fails to grasp … Continue reading Letter to the Editor RE: Coming Out Week

Letter to the Editor

For better or worse, Gustavus has two traditional greeting ceremonies. First-years are greeted, both officially and unofficially, by two simultaneous traditions that go back decades. One group, the Gustie Greeters, is nothing short of general college-authorized insanity. The Greeters have been orienting new Gusties for decades and they do a damn fine job of it. The other group, however—the College Ave party-goers and sign-bearers mentioned … Continue reading Letter to the Editor