Finished game: Road to graduation

As graduation looms near for Gustavus seniors, memories made throughout the last four years begin flooding back to most on a day-by-day basis. Within the past four years seniors have been witness to many important campus events such as Midnight Express, the Royal Visit, and Christmas in Christ Chapel. They have also been witness to many much more far-reaching events such as Obama’s reelection, the … Continue reading Finished game: Road to graduation

Under appreciated Sights at Gustavus

College students are undisputedly busy. With exams, classes, activities, sports, and social lives, life can move at an undeniably fast pace. Along with the fast-paced life of a college student comes distraction. Students’ thoughts are often preoccupied by electronic notifications, ring tones, and jam-packed agendas. Caught in a chaotic, frenzied spiral of moving from one distraction to the other, we often forget to take the … Continue reading Under appreciated Sights at Gustavus

Our Future, Our Voices, #OurGustavus

Students gather to rejuvenate the meaning of community Today, students of Gustavus Adolphus College will gather together outside the chapel to rejuvenate the meaning of community damaged by the disempowerment of its representatives.  The students will participate in Divest-Fest, a community rally in the pursuit of student voice in investment and administrative decisions that will affect the community’s future. “What we really like to focus on … Continue reading Our Future, Our Voices, #OurGustavus

Alternative Student Press

Independent papers give students more voices Students of an increasing number of alternative publications, largely started from scratch, are changing the definition of what it means to be a college journalist and revolutionizing how news at colleges and universities is provided and produced. By offering an unbound, real-time take on news at Gustavus, these alternative student publications are able to go beyond what the mainstream, … Continue reading Alternative Student Press

People of Gustavus

Gustavus students provide insight to their individual stories Nothing is so warm and inviting, yet as challenging and poignant, as a powerful story that is told well. They’re not always easy to excavate, but the cliché holds true that everyone has a story. The popular photo blog Humans of New York by Brandon Stanton emphasizes the power of an individual’s story with a single picture accompanied … Continue reading People of Gustavus

Gustavus presents: The Vagina Monologues

Who could have predicted the effects of a group of women talking about vaginas? 17 years ago, Eve Ensler, a New York playwright, opened the play she had been writing for two years, The Vagina Monologues. Drawing on interviews she had done with more than 200 women, the resulting monologues have grown to popularity among women and men on college campuses across the nation, including … Continue reading Gustavus presents: The Vagina Monologues

First-year building cultures examined within Gustavus

As room draw looms near, Gustavus prospective and returning students are faced with a choice between residence halls. For many, this proves a difficult task, as the decision will likely determine the type of experiences intrinsically shaped in the upcoming year. Each residence hall offers a unique range of culture, especially accentuated among the first-year dorms: Pittman, Sohre, and Norelius Hall. A majority of first-years … Continue reading First-year building cultures examined within Gustavus

The Evolution of Building Bridges

Building Bridges continues to grow Junior Mark Zorilla takes in a deep breath as Senior Kelly Dumais giggles uncomfortably. Both share a knowing glance at the thought of their nervousness for the pinnacle of their year thus far, the opening of the 19th Annual Building Bridges conference, to which they are co-chairs. “This whole year we’ve been running around with our heads cut off, but … Continue reading The Evolution of Building Bridges

Gustavus theatre presents Hair

For countless years, people have been witness to stories. Stories were painted onto the walls of ancient caves. They have been carved onto wood, ivory, and stone and printed onto parchment and paper. They have been passed down by word of mouth, recorded on film and stored electronically in digital form. The audience of Gustavus Adolphus College’s production of Hair has been witness to the … Continue reading Gustavus theatre presents Hair

Drinking it All In: Alcohol Facts

The illumination of the incandescent lights lining the streets reveal the tango of Gustavus students, orchestrated by routine, on a Saturday night. A young man stumbling toward his next destination, two-stepping in the effort not to spill his open beer, women clad in outfits defying the chill of early February, cavorting in an attempt to keep pace, a lawn adorned in red and blue solo … Continue reading Drinking it All In: Alcohol Facts