Movies from Swank: Master Gardener

Will Sorg- Paul Schrader has been making movies for a very long time. At 77, the writer, director and film critic has been making movies since he was an angry young screenwriter putting his personal struggles with toxic masculinity into the character of Travis Bickle from Taxi Driver. In the many decades since, Schrader has continually used the simple setup of an existentialist and isolated … Continue reading Movies from Swank: Master Gardener

Movies from Swank: Almost Famous

Will Sorg- I doubt there’s a movie that captures following your passion in life as accurately as Almost Famous. Writer/director Cameron Crowe had plenty of experience to draw from as he started out as a writer for Rolling Stone when he was 18-years-old. Most movies are built out of the lived experience of the people who make them, but this one more than others draws … Continue reading Movies from Swank: Almost Famous


Will Sorg- Two unpopular lesbians start a fight club to lose their virginity before high school is over. If you’re not immediately sold by that premise like I was then Bottoms may not be your kind of movie. Bottoms is an easy movie to love if you’re the right person. If you are a fan of camp, a fan of high school comedies, a lover … Continue reading Bottoms

Twin Cities Film Festival: All of Us Strangers

Will Sorg- Andrew Haigh is not interested in conventional love. Haigh, who’s an openly gay filmmaker from the United Kingdom, has been making films about outsiders finding love for decades. His breakout film Weekend follows two men as they fall for each other during a weekend fling. This year his film, All Of Us Strangers, premiered – and it is a truly incredible experience. Over … Continue reading Twin Cities Film Festival: All of Us Strangers

Killers of the Flower Moon

Will Sorg- Far too often in movies, Indigenous stories are made that use the Indigenous characters as set dressing for a story about white people. It has happened for almost as long as film has been a medium and carries with it a history of settler colonialism, oppression, and genocide. Martin Scorsese’s latest film, Killers of The Flower Moon (KoTFM), reckons with both film history’s … Continue reading Killers of the Flower Moon

Movies from Swank: Paranormal Activity

Will Sorg- It is difficult to think of a genre more dead than found footage horror. Found footage movies had the horror market in a stranglehold for about a decade, and then they vanished from the box office by the mid-2010s. Still, for me, it’s hard to forget how big some of those really popular found footage films were. Paranormal Activity was one of those … Continue reading Movies from Swank: Paranormal Activity

Movies from Swank: Friday the 13th

Will Sorg- Friday The 13th has a very unique place in horror history: it’s the second biggest slasher film to capture the world’s movie-going audiences. Friday The 13th was originally conceived off of the name alone; the filmmakers put out an ad with the title and almost immediately received funding for the entire project. By that point, a script had not even been made, it … Continue reading Movies from Swank: Friday the 13th