Take a ride with the Passengers

When it comes to the space and science fiction films everyone loves, Passengers adds an interesting spin on previously made films of the same genre. Not only does the film include everything you would expect from a science fiction film with hibernating spaceships, but the film also includes a twist on the romantic element between the two main characters. While there may be some aspects … Continue reading Take a ride with the Passengers

Gustie of the Week – Laura Isdahl

Senior English major Laura Isdahl showcases how much potential students have within the Gustavus community. From her involvement with numerous extracurricular activities to co-creating a publishing class and resulting website, Laura has had no shortage of accomplishments on campus. Laura comes from Plymouth, Minnesota and went to a big high school in the suburbs of Minneapolis. Part of the reason she chose to come to … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Laura Isdahl

Creating Habitat for Humanity

When the words “Habitat for Humanity” are mentioned many thoughts spring to mind like “free houses”, “decreasing homelessness”, or maybe even “fun spring break trips”. The reality is that many myths surround both the organization and the Spring Break trips, and the true value of the organization exists not in providing free houses (which it doesn’t) or in a fun experience for a week. Habitat … Continue reading Creating Habitat for Humanity

Maintaining Your Brain

College is hard. To any college student, that is the most obvious statement of the century. Whether it’s the organic chemistry midterm that you’re pretty sure decimated your already barely passing grade, the research essay that you didn’t actually realize was a research essay until the night before it was due, or the one ten-point busy work assignment that you forgot to do that could’ve … Continue reading Maintaining Your Brain

Fake News: An Alternative Bias Incident

On Monday, March 20, factions of The Gustavus Diversity Leadership Council and Bystander Intervention Committee, in cahoots with the theatre group I Am We Are, decided to pull an invisible theatre stunt. They hung up white supremacist posters on campus and then waited in secret to gauge students’ responses to the signs. When the students got upset at the signs, ripping them down, the committee … Continue reading Fake News: An Alternative Bias Incident

The Gustavus Bucket List

Known for its strong academics, qualified professors, and welcoming community, Gustavus is home to a variety of distinctive opportunities. While some of these include more traditional moments like Homecoming and sporting events, there are many experiences unique to Gustavus. Below are just a few of the many possibilities Gusties have available to them! 1. Study Abroad Join over 50% of Gusties and study abroad during … Continue reading The Gustavus Bucket List

Zach Anderson wraps up with Christ Chapel recital

During daily Chapel Break and at Sunday Worships services, the chapel is often filled with the powerful sound of the pipe organ. The triumphant, deep, and bold nature of the instrument not only helps introduce melodies to various church hymns, but it also adds to the spiritual environment of the space. It may not be as common for young musicians on college campuses, however there … Continue reading Zach Anderson wraps up with Christ Chapel recital

Gustie of the Week – Henry Adebisi

Junior computer science and political science double major Henry Adebisi from White Bear Lake, Minnesota is ready to end his third year at Gustavus on a high note. Henry is a part of Chapel Choir, PASO, Student Senate, and the Omega Kappa fraternity along with working at the Diversity Center and being a Collegiate Fellow (CF). Henry has taken advantage of numerous opportunities during his … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Henry Adebisi