Change it up!

Netflix and Hulu are synonymous with relaxation and binge-watching for college students across the country and on the Gustavus campus. Grey’s Anatomy is our preferred way to learn about biology and anatomy. Watching a spinoff series such as The Handmaid’s Tale seem so much easier than reading the book (spoiler alert: the book is amazing). It seems that more and more students are committing to … Continue reading Change it up!

‘Tis the season

I was scrolling through Tumblr last week when I came across a rather heated post about how privileged Christians are to have their winter holiday advertised at every turn. They complained about the world of today’s ‘War on Christmas’ when other holidays have barely received any recognition at all. This person proudly emphasized their Jewish background and concluded that Christmas enthusiasts have no idea what … Continue reading ‘Tis the season

The State, Rights, and Independence

For  most of the modern age (1500s – 1945), the issue of independence for Catalonia has been raised time and time again. After the fall of Francisco Franco and Spain’s transition towards a democracy in the 1970’s, the issue of Catalonian independence began to quietly brew–and in just the past few weeks, this issue has seemingly reached a boiling point: Catalonia has declared independence, while … Continue reading The State, Rights, and Independence

Tri-Sigma hosts 4th annual Zumbathon

Zumba is a dance workout that has gained vast popularity over the past decade, and as a result, more and more people opt out of the traditional treadmill workout in favor of fitness classes such as Zumba. Moreover, dance marathons have been around for years (Grease, anyone?). But a newly minted concept has recently arose, and it made its way to Gustavus this past weekend … Continue reading Tri-Sigma hosts 4th annual Zumbathon

Mental health fair raises awareness on campus

This week, in order to raise awareness and adaptability for mental health, the Alive! Mental Health Fair occurred on Monday and Tuesday. Hosted by the Campus Activities Board and co-sponsored by the Peer Assistants, its goal is to “help advance our campus conversation about mental health and wellbeing,” according to Connor Myhre ‘18, Co-President of CAB. “We hope that students will be able to both … Continue reading Mental health fair raises awareness on campus

International Festival brings cultures together

The Gustavus International Cultures Club, also known as ICC, was lauded for its remarkable, well-organized International Festival which was hosted this past Saturday. The night featured student-led musical performances, dances, trivia, and food from around the world, along with a fashion show and educational displays meant to celebrate world cultures. The International Cultures Club is a student organization that, according to the group’s mission statement … Continue reading International Festival brings cultures together

Campus Safety Report (11/10/17)

Monday, October 30 Campus Safety responded to a panic alarm in the Carlson Administration Building.  It was determined the button had fallen in the trash and been lost. Campus Safety received a report of a student injury at the Lund Center. Tuesday, October 31 Campus Safety responded to a medical assist at Anderson Hall. A student feeling unwell was transported to health service. Friday, November … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (11/10/17)

Give to Gustavus Day a huge success: Over $417,000 raised for the Gustavus fund

On Thursday, November 2nd, the whole Gustavus community came together to raise support for the Gustavus Fund. Many Gusties participated from far and wide to help allow the College to have flexibility in providing the best liberal arts education to Gustavus students. This year there were numerous themed challenges which were sponsored by donors.Each challenge required a certain number of participants, and when the number … Continue reading Give to Gustavus Day a huge success: Over $417,000 raised for the Gustavus fund

Mindfulness at Gustavus

As workloads pile up and schedules get busier, it’s hard to work in a little moment of relaxation in the day. Gustavus recognizes students’ need for relaxation and has several programs to promote mindfulness. Meditation sessions, yoga classes, and even a relaxation J-Term are all options for students to take a moment for some rest and relaxation. These opportunities are offered throughout the week. The … Continue reading Mindfulness at Gustavus