Change it up!

Netflix and Hulu are synonymous with relaxation and binge-watching for college students across the country and on the Gustavus campus.

Grey’s Anatomy is our preferred way to learn about biology and anatomy.

Watching a spinoff series such as The Handmaid’s Tale seem so much easier than reading the book (spoiler alert: the book is amazing).

It seems that more and more students are committing to at least an hour of TV-watching a day that could be used for more beneficial things.

Don’t get me wrong, I spent my entire first year of college laying on my bed, exhausted, watching Criminal Minds.

I did other things, of course, but that’s what I always looked forward to when I had any sort of break.

Thirty minutes between classes?

That’s almost an entire episode!

It’s midnight and I have to get up at 9?

I’ll still get eight hours of sleep if I watch another episode.

That was pretty much my mindset for a good portion of my time as a first-year college student.

By the end of the year I became unhealthy and unhappy with how I was using my time and treating my body.

I was spending more time in my bed than being active and it began to weigh down on me.

I decided to make a change and it worked.

I began doing at least one good workout a day, focused on eating healthier, and I began to feel much more energized and ready to go for whatever college had to throw at me.

What I have learned through this change is that leading a healthier lifestyle is much more beneficial than sitting on your bed or your couch all day.

Missing one episode of Parks and Recreation will not ruin your entire day.

What was that?

You absolutely cannot wait to watch the next episode?

It ended on a cliffhanger?

Well, have I got a surprise for you; you can take your Netflix to the gym!

You are watching the same show whether or not you are on a stationary bike or laying in your bed.

Why not do something beneficial for your body?

I’m not saying that you need to watch every single episode for the rest of your life at the gym, but instead of heading home after class, head to the gym and get a few miles in so you can really enjoy that Smart Pop later.

It is so much better for your mind and your body to get some more steps in, to lift, or to do an ab workout.

There are so many different options for exercise as well.

There are no excuses for not doing at least something little every day.

Gustavus offers many classes that are not only exercise, but are fun as well, such as badminton or canoeing.

There are YouTube channels dedicated to workouts you can do in your dorm room, and Pinterest is a minefield for workout hacks and tips.

I decided to make a change and it worked. I began doing at least one good workout a day, focused on eating healthier, and I began to feel much more energized and ready to go for whatever college had to throw at me.

Leading a healthier lifestyle does not just include giving up some laying in bed time; it also means dropping things like Funyuns and sugary sodas from your everyday diet.

You can enjoy them every now and then, but sticking to water and less-processed foods will give you more sustained energy rather than a quick spike and a fast crash back to exhaustion.

It can be hard to switch up your snacking habits, but it is worth it.

It’s even harder to go to the gym every day, or even every few days, but that’s worth it too.

Leading a lifestyle you are proud of is so much more worthwhile than one that consists of a bag of microwave popcorn and the couch every day for five hours.

You will feel more energized, motivated, and ready to go at any given moment.

I have changed my life for the better since the beginning of the school year and have felt much less anxious about school, my social life, and everything else that comes with college.

It is safe to say that getting active for an hour every day, or every few days, will help you in the long run.

This is not just with how you feel about your physical appearance, but your mental health as well.

Treat yourself well, and your body and mind will thrive.