Women’s Tennis—serving up a great season

The Women’s Tennis team began its season last Tuesday. The players have had a positive outlook on the upcoming matches, and the team seems to be off to a confident start. “I think we have already made great strides towards becoming a better tennis team in the first week of practice,” Senior Captain Heather Annis said. The fall season kicks off this upcoming week with … Continue reading Women’s Tennis—serving up a great season

Saving your wallet, the Earth, and your health

In a time when gas costs almost four dollars per gallon, pollution is a legitimate concern and health is an emerging priority, commuting via bike seems like common sense. At Gustavus in particular, biking is becoming increasingly popular amongst students and professors alike. While there are many different reasons behind biking to campus, one of the most common is to save time and money. “Since … Continue reading Saving your wallet, the Earth, and your health

Men’s Tennis: a three-crown season

With the competitive season quickly approaching the Men’s Tennis team, Head Coach Tommy Valentini is ready to practice hard and welcome the six new players to the family this year. On what was only the third day of practice, players seemed fired up and ready to begin their practice, and to prepare themselves not just physically but mentally for their upcoming competitions for the season. … Continue reading Men’s Tennis: a three-crown season

Rydell Professor to speak on Nobel Preview

Many people in Minnesota may wonder what the connection is between the distant oceans and our small part of the world.  Chemical oceanographer and  lecturer of Nobel Conference 48: Our Global Ocean William Fitzgerald will soon arrive on campus to tell us just how interconnected we all are to the oceans and marine life around us. Chosen as the Rydell Professor for Gustavus’s Nobel Conference … Continue reading Rydell Professor to speak on Nobel Preview

Campus Safety Report (9/7/12)

Friday, August 31 •  A  Gustavus employee reported damage to college property in Chapel Circle to Campus Safety. •  Campus Safety responded to a medical assist request in Anderson Theater. Saturday, September 1 •  Campus Safety responded to a medical assist on College Grounds adjacent to Beck Hall. •  A Collegiate Fellow contacted Campus Safety to provide a medical escort for a student in Norelius … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (9/7/12)

Do not watch alone in your room with the lights off

The suggestion offered above is for all those Gusties out there who would like to enjoy their bedroom for the remainder of the school year. I have since had a nightlight installed. Cabin in the Woods tells the story of five college students who decide the upcoming weekend is prime for taking a janky old motorhome to a pleasantly abandoned cabin. This cabin is conveniently … Continue reading Do not watch alone in your room with the lights off

Gustie of the Week: Class of 2016

The class of 2016 is making Gustavus their home for the 151st academic year. More than 715 students from thirty states and nine countries have moved to the hill to start their college careers. Many different aspects of being a first-year at Gustavus have brought the incoming class together. Unloading an entire dorm room from the family mini van may have been stressful, but the … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Class of 2016