Turn the dial, start to jam…

…ride the air waves with KGSM student radio KGSM, Gustavus’ student-run radio station, kicked off what it hopes will be another successful year last Sunday, Sept. 30, 2012. The station plans to forge ahead following the reintroduction of the program last spring. Following the wreckage of the radio tower in the 1998 tornado, the station had been plagued with financial and technical issues before being … Continue reading Turn the dial, start to jam…

GACTV signing on for the coming year

Exploring new venues for exposure and experiencing broadcast journalism first-hand GACTV, Gustavus’ student-run broadcast news program has finished conducting auditions and will air their first episode of the year this Friday, Oct. 5 during the on-campus movie Brave. “This year, in addition to playing before the campus movie each week, we’re also trying to expand our exposure,” Junior News Director Ava Goepfert said. “We’re hoping … Continue reading GACTV signing on for the coming year

Bravely bold, bonny lass to the rescue!

Some people just love a good Scottish fairy tale, with accents bouncing around the scene, one rolled “r” after another. Well, you’ll find me in the audience of any such story. Brave had me from the start. Set in Scotland in some medieval age in a kingdom far in the wilderness, Brave tells the epic tale of one Merida, a princess with the most vibrantly … Continue reading Bravely bold, bonny lass to the rescue!

Family Weekend concert showcasing five music groups

Many areas of the Music Department have been working hard to be ready for their first performances on Sunday as a part of Family Weekend. The Christ Chapel Choir and Handbells will be performing at the 10:00 a.m. Worship Service. Following the service, there is an 11:00 a.m. brunch where the Jazz Band will be playing. The multi-ensemble concert kicks off at 2:00 p.m. in … Continue reading Family Weekend concert showcasing five music groups

The making of the Sesquicentennial Plaza

Among the many new landscapes and features the campus has taken on in the time following thesesquicentennial celebrations, one particular change has sparked controversy within the student population: the Sesquicentennial Sculpture. The sculpture is an element of the new West Mall, connecting Christ Chapel to the Linnaeus Arboretum. The designer of the sculpture, Greg Mueller, is a student of longtime sculpture-in-residence Paul Granlund and was … Continue reading The making of the Sesquicentennial Plaza

Some assembly required:

Campus: the last frontier This just in: no longer must Gusties resign themselves to power-napping or staking out the Caf in between classes—I would like to suggest a radical new way to productively waste time on campus. What am I talking about? Exploring! No, I don’t mean machete-hacking your way through the man-eating jungle plants growing in front of Chapel. This doesn’t require any special … Continue reading Some assembly required:

Da snark:

Columbus: Voyageur, adventurer, oh, and also mass murderer Remember back when you were a wee elementary school child and you learned about this beautiful man named Christopher Columbus? Yeah, he was the best. I mean, he founded all these would-be unknown countries and made people civil and just formed the world into a better place. Bullshit. When Columbus got to the Americas (“The New World” – … Continue reading Da snark: