Women leaders still on the rise

The number of women in leadership positions and their strength in aspects of both local and national organizations have not gone unnoticed—people around the country are finding out how important their voices are and how they can be a strong leader in society. Women’s voices are becoming increasingly vital to the nation and to the Gustavus community as well. Women in business leadership, higher education … Continue reading Women leaders still on the rise

Veni, vedi, weekly

Race, to the top In the presidential election of 1960, Bobby Kennedy and his band of merry men orchestrated for his brother one of the closest victories in the history of American politics. This monumental feat was made all the more impressive because John F. Kennedy’s Catholicism, something we wouldn’t think of holding against a candidate today, was of serious concern in that era. JFK … Continue reading Veni, vedi, weekly

Some assembly required

A “labour of love” There are two weeks left in the semester. It’s that time of year when the boundaries between day and night blur, and everything seems like it’s floating in a thick fog. There’s less sleep, more caffeine and just not enough time. What’s not to love? So I understand if you think you’re too busy to answer my not-so-rhetorical question. But a … Continue reading Some assembly required

The hidden truth

Should President Obama be considered “progressive?” First and foremost, in the words of the prominent activist Cornel West, “I think it is morally obscene and spiritually profane to spend six billion dollars on an election, two billion on the presidential election.” I am outraged that such large amounts of money were spent on an election and no serious discussions were raised on the real issues: … Continue reading The hidden truth

Editorial (12/7/12)

Reporting on GustieLeaks and the President’s administration has been illuminating in many regards. The conflicts that have emerged, both new and old, leave our community with many things to sort through. As Mary Solberg said in an interview with The Weekly “You don’t really realize what the culture of a place is until there’s a rupture in it.” I’ve found myself in many conversations over … Continue reading Editorial (12/7/12)

Food for thought

Another perspective on Israel and Palestine Before reading last week’s publication of The Gustavian Weekly, I had already formulated a plan for what I would write in this week’s edition. After reading Chelsea Johnson’s article entitled “Israel and Palestine: a struggle for peace after a century of conflict” my planned topic suddenly struck me as inconsequential. I felt that, without the presence of a contrasting … Continue reading Food for thought

Letter to the Editor (12/7/12)

Dear Editor,   It is only with the deepest concern in my heart that I write this letter to address the concerning circumstances which have arisen regarding President Ohle. It is with deep commitment and passion for this college that I must express my shock that no action has been taken after these last few years to rectify the significant issues which have arisen with … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (12/7/12)

Letter to the Editor (12/7/12)

To Whom it May Concern,   There has been, in the past, much confusion about the college community’s frustrations with President Jack Ohle.  As a student, I knew something was wrong, and I tried hard to inform myself. I spoke with faculty and staff, followed public conversations, and read whatever documents were made public, but was foiled again and again by an air of fear, … Continue reading Letter to the Editor (12/7/12)