Weekend movie “The Purge” — nothing more than a mildly scary cliché

When I first saw a commercial for The Purge on television, I had mixed feelings.  I felt that the concept of the movie was interesting, but nothing else really stood out that made me want to see this movie in theatres immediately.  Welcome to Cinematic Critiques, I am your reviewer, first-year Brady Lass.  Should you go out and see The Purge, or should you do … Continue reading Weekend movie “The Purge” — nothing more than a mildly scary cliché

Gustie of the Week: Jenny Marquette

Gustavus students are not only known for their success within the realms of academia. We have an image in which we strive to better ourselves through service and leadership within our college community.  Junior Jenny Marquette exemplifies this image. Jenny is involved with CAB, Sigma Sigma Sigma, GOLD, and Breaking Barriers.  In addition, she has also been involved with Student SPILL, Crossroads, TAG, and Elders. … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jenny Marquette

Market Place nutrition information now available online

Across the nation, companies are beginning to offer nutritional information for the foods and products they offer to their consumers. Checking the nutritional information of the food you consume in order to shed light on its nutritional content value is a reliable way to monitor your health and weight safely. The nutritional guidebook stationed in the Market Place was one way Gustavus has been increasing … Continue reading Market Place nutrition information now available online

Campus Safety Report (9/6/2013)

Monday, August 26th An employee reported the theft of personal property from a shelf just outside the cafeteria in the Jackson Campus Center. The item was later recovered. A student reported the theft of personal property stored over the summer in Sorensen Hall. Wednesday, August 28th Campus Safety responded to a medical assist for a visitor in the Jackson Campus Center. Thursday, August 29th Campus … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (9/6/2013)

We need a servant leader for president

This summer we all received the announcement that President Ohle would be resigning at the end of this year’s term, which means this fall the Presidential Search Committee will begin to look for our next president. It will be an ideal time for the Gustavus community to come together and begin discussing what values and characteristics we would like to see in the next leader … Continue reading We need a servant leader for president

Persistent Plea

Here’s a plea that was stuck in my head during my summer in the Black Hills. “No more cars in national parks. Let the people walk. Or ride horses, bicycles, mules, wild pigs–anything–but keep the automobiles and the motorcycles and all their motorized relatives out. We have agreed not to drive our automobiles into cathedrals, concert halls, art museums, legislative assemblies, private bedrooms and the … Continue reading Persistent Plea