The Search Continues for the Diversity Center

This summer, Gustavus faculty and staff conducted extensive interviews for the position of Director of the Diversity Center. The group was pleased to offer Sharon Sobotta the position. On Friday, Sept. 18, Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Life Jones VanHecke announced via email that Sharon Sobotta would not be able to join Gustavus for personal reasons. The search for Sobotta’s replacement has … Continue reading The Search Continues for the Diversity Center

G.O.L.D. Paves the Way With New Track

With the start of the new school year comes a multitude of different clubs and organizations Gusties can participate in. For many, the aftermath of the activities’ fair results in an overabundance of fliers and group emails. Among these, one of the must-joined organizations is the GOLD program, which stands for Gusties in Ongoing Leadership Development. The GOLD program is a unique organization that teaches … Continue reading G.O.L.D. Paves the Way With New Track

Students Adjust to Redesigned Website

On Aug. 29, Gustavus launched a redesigned website for the first time in five years. Director of Web Services Jerry Nowell explained that the main reasons behind the update was to get a contemporary look and make the site more mobile friendly. In the past year, the mobile and tablet traffic for the Gustavus website has increased by 42 percent. In order to meet the … Continue reading Students Adjust to Redesigned Website

Campus Safety Report (9/25/15)

Monday, September 14 • An employee reported causing damage to a College-owned vehicle while on campus. • An employee reported the loss of Gustavus keys. The keys were later recovered. • An employee reported the loss of Gustavus keys while off campus over the summer. • Residential Life responded to a pet policy violation in North Hall. Wednesday, September 16 • A student reported the … Continue reading Campus Safety Report (9/25/15)

Biggest Homecoming Reunion in 50 Years

The Great Gustie Gathering, also known as Gustavus Homecoming 2015, is September 26 and includes multiple new and classic events that alumni and students alike can look forward to attending. A few of these events include Rock the Hill, Nature: A Walking Play, and a Rave in Alumni Hall. Additionally, the Epsilon Phi Alpha Fraternity will be hosting a Homecoming reunion for the first time … Continue reading Biggest Homecoming Reunion in 50 Years

Women’s Golf sets ambitious target, triumphs at Eau-Claire Invitational

The Gustavus Women’s Golf team is off to a great start, placing 1st at the Eau Claire Invite and 3rd at the Saint Benedict Invite. This past weekend, the ladies finished  5th out of 17 teams at the Carleton Invitational. Sophomore McKenzie Swenson, a Health Fitness major, deserves much praise for her excellent performances the past three tournaments. Swenson took medalist honors scoring 156 in … Continue reading Women’s Golf sets ambitious target, triumphs at Eau-Claire Invitational