Letter from the Editor (5/17/19)

As the 2018 – 2019 academic year comes to a close, I wanted to personally thank each and every student, faculty, alumni, and every supporter of the Gustavian Weekly both near and far. It has been a successful year full of learning experiences and fond memories.
However the many months have been not without their wrinkles; from a nearly brand new staff in September, to uprooting our office from it’s past home of many decades in January, or even transitioning to a new prepress last month in April. This has all been a part of the ride.
With that ride comes experience, wisdom and the opportunity to reflect at what our staff has created.

I look forward to the 2019 – 2020 academic year with nothing but high expectations from our wonderful, and seasoned staff to continuously improve this publication.
Thank you once again and I will see you all in

Warm Regards,

Cole Trebelhorn