Club Tennis Rockets in Popularity

Whether playing competitively or for fun, Tennis Club is a welcoming organization that accepts players of all skill levels. Last spring they received “Club of the Year” honors.

The club community prides itself on being friendly and open both on and off the courts.

Sophomore History Major Samuel Kuschel, found time to attend his first tennis club meet Monday, although his jam-packed schedule does not allow him much free time. Club Tennis meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m., only taking one hour of a student’s day at one of the least busiest times.

The large tennis community at Gustavus made Kuschel interested in trying out a new sport although he is more comfortable with soccer.

“Many of my friends are on the tennis team—they are very successful and represent Gustavus well. I thought I would test it out; I wanted to learn a new sport because I love sports in general,” Kuschel said.

One of the most inviting characteristics about the club is the willingness to teach the new players. The tennis program here at Gustavus is attractive because of its successful balance of the moral and physical ethics applied.

“My first impression was overwhelmed, but it was super fun. I easily got into the rhythm; there are a lot of techniques that I never knew about and the instructors are very well-educated,” Kuschel said.

While Kuschel is learning to play, there are others who have previous experience playing competitively.

Sophomore Olivia Ward has been playing tennis since high school. Ward suggests that her skills have never been up to par, but the love for tennis has never lessened.

“I know I wasn’t a great player in high school, but I still love it. Tennis is a life time sport you can do until you’re old. I definitely want to stay active for the main part of my life,” Ward said.

When college hits, it could be hard to stay active with a busy schedule. Most students fill their days with classes, homework, studying, and eating that they don’t find time during the day to get a workout in.

At least when students like Kuschel and Ward take out an hour of their day to be active, they are still able to enjoy the fun of the sport.

Club Tennis has already begun practicing, but it’s never too late to join. The great thing is you can join any time you want. Ward joined last year during second semester and fell right into place.

“I know I wasn’t a great player in high school, but I still love it. Tennis is a life time sport you can do until you’re old. I definitely want to stay active for the main part of my life.”

—Olivia Ward

“I emailed the president (Mark Meier) when I found out about Club Tennis. He was super accepting right away—I didn’t feel awkward or out of place. I just showed up to my first practice and everyone introduced themselves to me,” Ward said.

Some students don’t get together just to play for fun, some do go out and compete in tournaments. The tournaments are completely optional, but it is a chance to get to play competitively without the pressure.

“In high school, there was a lot of pressure to do well. I mean—you should do well in Club Tennis when you go out and compete, but if you lose…no one is disappointed and everyone is there to support you because at least they know you tried your best,” Ward said.

Ward has not won a match since she started playing competitively, but is a role model for many to look up to. Ward understands that she doesn’t have to be the best player, but just love the sport and a great support for her teammates. Vice President Hannah Jakel, is a junior here at Gustavus with a double major in Music and Psychology. She’s highly involved here on campus, playing rugby, singing in Chapel Choir, and vocal jazz ensemble.

Jakel invites students to join them at “The Bubble,” in hopes that Tennis Club grows larger. The club has expanded largely in the past years due to it’s organization and commitment.

“We love new people. We are open to all levels of skill. If you are brand new to the sport, please join us. If you have a little competitive streak in you we are happy to have you there too,” Jakel said.