The write to think

There’s no time like the present

Eric_SchneiderGreetings fellow Gusties! I hope the new semester is finding you as healthy and happy as ever. With what seems like a blink of an eye, winter break, J-Term, and touring week have come and gone as though they never existed.

With a new year fully upon us, I have found myself wondering where all of that time went, and why it seems to be moving at a pace Usain Bolt would admire. Time is a tricky thing, and it seems to be as elusive as ever. Whether we are fighting to finish a paper, hanging out with friends, or competing in a sport, there never seems to be enough time.

Why? Because our definition of time as a substantiated element of life is completely unfounded. Although this statement may seem difficult to believe, when you really sit down and think about it, time is a concept that is relative to the evolution of life on Earth, and nothing more.

Although it is true that time management makes us more efficient, one must remember that time does not exist. We can sit and look at a clock for hours and say that in actuality, it does exist.

But the fact is, a clock is a representation of an abstract idea we call time. There is no such thing as the past or the future, there is only the present, which is called now. That may be one reason why time seems to move so fast. We tend to spend the only time we have (now) thinking about the past or future. Rarely are we completely immersed in the only time that is given to us, which again, is right now.

We have to realize the only time when we are able to accomplish anything is the present. It is futile to believe that by waiting for something to happen in the future it will accomplish itself. This is why the now is so important to all of us.

By waking up to the present moment, we realize that we are not limited by time, and in essence go beyond time into a realm that is completely governed by ourselves.

Now, you may be saying to yourself at this very moment that this guy is an idiot. And you may have a point. But, if you truly wish to have more freedom in your life, erase the concept of time from your conscious mind. Believe in the power of now.

In life we are given the opportunity to think, a gift worthy of an infinite amount of praise.  By thinking for ourselves, we may realize the true nature of reality as it is this very moment. That reality is perfection, nothing more and nothing less. As long as we are present in the moment, nothing can hurt us. This is an ideology I truly believe in.

So, if you are still wondering about all this mumbo-jumbo, read a book entitled The Power of Now by Eckheart Tolle. This book has completely changed my perception of reality and how powerful being present in the moment truly is. Without the present moment, we truly have nothing.