Finals season descends upon GAC

Grace LaTourelle-

The sun is shining and the ever-persistent winds are blowing students straight into Finals Season. With the 2023-2024 school year coming to a close, Gusties are encouraged to get outside, enjoy the remaining weeks on The Hill, and lock in for finals.

“‘Locking in’ means that you need to get it together and focus so that you can get something done on time, whether it’s a paper, presentation, or studying for a certain class when a deadline is coming up,” Chemistry Academic Assistant and Graduating Senior, Ryan Schimek said.

The best ways to lock in for finals is studying in advance, paying attention during class, and utilizing study groups and final prep events.

“The Gustavus Chemistry Club hosts finals trivia to help students study for their upcoming finals each semester,” Schimek said.

The Chemistry event is to be held on Tuesday, May 14th and will have trivia for Organic Chemistry I taking place in Nobel 1413 from 5:00-6:00 p.m., Inorganic Chemistry I in Nobel 1412 from 5:00-6:00 p.m., and Biochemistry in Nobel 2300 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.

Events such as those help to promote good study techniques as well as leaning on peers for support during a stressful time. Study breaks with friends are also important, to refresh the mind and focus on well-being. With the stress of finals, health must also become a priority, encompassing body, mind, and spirit.

“Help each other out,” the Director of the Academic Support Center, Tom McHugh said. “Model healthy behavior yourself, and recognize and encourage healthy habits when you see your friends making good decisions.”

Some of these suggestions for healthy habits are to eat nutritious foods, exercise, and sleep well.

“…I wholeheartedly believe that it’s better to get a good night’s sleep before a final than it is to stay up cramming for it,” Schimek noted. “It’s not worth cramming for 12 hours in the days before a final, because you get diminishing returns on your studying. It’s better to study for a couple of hours here and there, while also taking care of yourself.”

Spending time outdoors and making use of places such as the Arboretum are also tools to help mindfulness and mental health amidst stress.

“Use the improving weather to your advantage. Getting some fresh air and sunshine are perfect excuses for taking well-deserved study breaks and walks with friends,” McHugh said.

In three short weeks, the class of 2024 will not only have finished their finals but will be saying goodbye to campus and the deep connections they’ve made through friends and professors. Underclassmen students are encouraged to hug their friends at least a couple more times and listen to the wisdom of seniors.

“Find people on campus that you can connect with. Making connections with faculty and peers is going to help make all of your classes better in so many ways, and having friends is going to make the time you aren’t in classes so much better,” Schimek said. “Gustavus is a community, so take advantage of that fact during your time here.”

Schimek also advised underclassmen to get involved on campus, while still leaving room to breathe and enjoy as to avoid burnout.

And as the school year wraps up, students are also reminded to make time for “closing activities”. Remember to spend your remaining Caf money, deconstruct your loft, and make a plan to transport your clothes, bedding, school supplies, and 7 new adoptee plants home. And above all, Gusties are encouraged to make the most of it all.

“These sun-soaked spring days will likely be some of the best memories from your time at Gustavus, so take the time to appreciate and enjoy them,” McHugh said.

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