Men’s and women’s basketball win

Parker Burman- Prior to an extended break due to the Thanksgiving holiday, both the Gustavus Men’s and No. 15 ranked Women’s basketball teams faced off against conference rival St. Olaf. Both teams would blow out the Oles in two very convincing early season victories by a score of 97-59 for the Men and 87-47 for the Women. For the Men, the Gusties and Oles exchanged … Continue reading Men’s and women’s basketball win

De-stress Fest is here to help Gusties take the first step to managing stress

Katie Samek- The GustieWELL Office and the Peer Assistants would like to invite you to relax, rewind, and let go of your worries about finals for a while at De-Stress Fest. This event will be held on Wednesday, December 6th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the JCC-Heritage, St. Peter, and Three Crowns Banquet Rooms, all of which are located on the upper floor of the Jackson … Continue reading De-stress Fest is here to help Gusties take the first step to managing stress

Teachers Talking: GAC discusses showing intercultural curiosity the right way

Elliot Steeves- Professor of Spanish and Chair of LALACS studies K. Angelique Dwyer will give a talk today, Friday, Dec. 1st, entitled “Teachers Talk: Fostering Curiosity in an Antiracist Manner.” The session will be held in the St. Peter Room for Faculty at both 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. The talk, on a research project by Dwyer entitled “Measuring Intercultural Competence via Community Engagement”, concerns … Continue reading Teachers Talking: GAC discusses showing intercultural curiosity the right way

Festival of Saint Lucia blesses GAC once again

Grace LaTourelle- Gustavus Adolphus College was founded in 1862 and christened in 1876 by Swedish Lutheran immigrants. Thus, the school honors its founders’ heritage by participating in Swedish traditions and services. Among the cultural traditions is the Festival of St. Lucia, which has been celebrated at Gustavus since 1941. This year’s Festival of St. Lucia will take place on Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023. In Swedish … Continue reading Festival of Saint Lucia blesses GAC once again

Normalize Christmas coming early

Sophia White- Many people choose to believe that Christmas music should not be played until after Thanksgiving is over, but I disagree with that. Christmas music should be an acceptable form of music at any time of the year. Who would argue with some Michael Bublé or Mariah Carey playing on the radio? Not only that, but Christmas lights should be up throughout all the … Continue reading Normalize Christmas coming early

Movies from Swank: Almost Famous

Will Sorg- I doubt there’s a movie that captures following your passion in life as accurately as Almost Famous. Writer/director Cameron Crowe had plenty of experience to draw from as he started out as a writer for Rolling Stone when he was 18-years-old. Most movies are built out of the lived experience of the people who make them, but this one more than others draws … Continue reading Movies from Swank: Almost Famous


Will Sorg- Two unpopular lesbians start a fight club to lose their virginity before high school is over. If you’re not immediately sold by that premise like I was then Bottoms may not be your kind of movie. Bottoms is an easy movie to love if you’re the right person. If you are a fan of camp, a fan of high school comedies, a lover … Continue reading Bottoms