CAB and Senate share finance distributions

The Student Activity Fee is distributed to both Student Senate who received 54 percent this year and the Campus Activities Board (CAB) who received 47 percent. Next year Building Bridges will receive 3.5 percent and Student Senate will drop to 49.5 percent and the CAB will receive the same percent as this year. “The Student Activity fee is an amount charged each year to every … Continue reading CAB and Senate share finance distributions

Origin Story relates to a broader audience

A play unlike any other performed at Gustavus, Origin Story brings the genre of graphic novel to the stage in a production by students and Director Cory Hinkle. The play is an interpretation of Dan LeFranc’s 2010 play and largely remains similar to the original. Many of the lines are taken from the comic panels of the play and reads directly as a comic. Stage Manager … Continue reading Origin Story relates to a broader audience

Gustie of the Week: Chooey

Matt Wasson: professional yet chill Senior Communications Studies Major Matt Wasson, who goes by Chooey, is a kid at heart who isn’t intimidated by hard work. “I look for new challenges and fun in everyday. I try to have at least one meaningful conversation everyday that leaves me with a smile,” he said. He got his unique nickname, Chooey, from his brother who couldn’t say … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Chooey

KGSM Show Spotlight: The Open Mic

The Open Mic, a new weekly segment co-hosted by Seniors Max Beyer and Wade Underwood, brings to the station a taste of live music each Wednesday night. So far the duo has hosted an array of Gustavus student and faculty acts, including Cam Nelson, The Hiccups, G Sharp, Peter and the Magic Tone and Justin’s Jazzy Jams. Beyer’s initial interest in KGSM began at the … Continue reading KGSM Show Spotlight: The Open Mic

Explosion! Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol…

…destroys itself Life as a spy is the easiest possible life, because everywhere you turn there’s a computer with an eye scanner waiting to save your life or tell you what to do. At every inconvenience you have the perfect spy gadget to accommodate the situation with everything from frog hands (for walking up buildings, of course) to strong magnet suits (for hovering via negative … Continue reading Explosion! Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol…

Gustie of the Week: Kristen Campbell

“The thing about Kristen that has always really struck me is that nothing gets in her way.” — Katie Barta Kristen Campbell is a Gustie who strives to include everyone around her. She is very enthusiastic  about helping others. “[She’s] always looking out for other people,” Junior Dawn Comstock said. Kristen is able to fulfill this calling through her involvement with the Gustie Greeters, looking … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Kristen Campbell

Professor Joyce Sutphen

Honoree of Poetry Celebration Minnesota’s one and only Poet Laureate will be reading some of her poems right here at Gustavus. Not only is Joyce Sutphen Minnesota’s second Poet Laureate ever, but she is a Gustavus alumna and currently teaches courses in the English department on literature and poetry. In celebration of Sutphen’s poetry and special position as Poet Laureate, selections of poetry will be … Continue reading Professor Joyce Sutphen

Ben Kolis ready to debut senior theatre project Glass

Set in Patrick’s On Third, the cast will perform in front of audience members who are there to watch or who are caught off gaurd by the performance Ben Kolis’s senior theatre project has been in the works for two years and will finally come to fruition on April 20, 21 and 22 at 8:30 p.m. at Patrick’s On Third. The location is not the … Continue reading Ben Kolis ready to debut senior theatre project Glass

My resolution? To never again watch New Year’s Eve

Think of every romantic comedy you’ve seen. Now combine them all into a giant, jumbled, cliché mess and you have created New Year’s Eve. At first glance, with its all-star cast, this film may look promising, but then you think again of every other movie chock full of big names and you remember how angry they left you. This particular “rom-com” takes the audience through … Continue reading My resolution? To never again watch New Year’s Eve

48 Hour theater project

The department of theatre and dance will occupy the Anderson Social Science Building this weekend. This is a 48-hour theatre project involving students from the beginning directing class and the playwriting class. At 6:00 p.m. on Friday, March 23, the playwrights will meet, receive their themes and each begin writing their own five-minute play. On Saturday at 10:00 a.m. the directors will be assigned plays … Continue reading 48 Hour theater project