Gustie of the Week: Maxwell Stelzner

A Kilimanjaro, Junior Max Stelzner’s adventurous nature is evident after a single conversation with him. While he’s explored places as far away as Tanzania, Max also finds substantial benefit in something as simple as the exploration of knowledge. The inspiration for his passion for learning came from his first-term seminar professor, Kent Kalm, during Max’s first year at Gustavus. “His enthusiasm for teaching and the fact … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Maxwell Stelzner

Iron man suits up for third adventure

After The Avengers blew away critics and the box office, the second phase of the Marvel cinematic universe started with the third Iron Man movie. While I very much enjoyed the first Iron Man and The Avengers, Iron Man 2 left me a little disappointed. Not to mention, third installments rarely bode well for most superhero movies (besides The Dark Knight Rises, name one third … Continue reading Iron man suits up for third adventure

KGSM: The phoenix rises once again

This Sunday, KGSM Radio will be up and running for the start of its second full year of streaming since its rebirth during the spring of 2012. The student-run organization has recently adopted the symbol of a phoenix as its logo—a fitting icon. Although the station has experienced tremendous low points within the past 40 years, KGSM continues to beat the odds and return stronger … Continue reading KGSM: The phoenix rises once again

Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.

The experience of being completely enveloped in a roaring crowd is one that will never lose excitement for me. Last Friday, I found myself settled deep in a mass of red, white, and blue that covered the Estadio Nacional in Santiago, belting out Chilean gritos or chants at the top of my lungs, and sometimes letting the roar of others enshroud me and resonate deep … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.

Gustie of the Week: Jessie Erickson

The guitar rests on Junior Jessie Erickson’s lap, her only companion in the dorm room as everyone else has left for break. Coaxed by the fortune cookie hanging on the wall over her bed reading, “sell your ideas they have exceptional merit,” she turns on the video camera and records her cover of “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore. The YouTube video began as an act of … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jessie Erickson

Man of Steel review: may not be super, but still decent

Superman is one of the most iconic fictional characters ever created, but he has not exactly aged well in recent years.  People claim that he is “too overpowered” and “boring” whereas other heroes have traits that draw the media closer to them.  Iron Man has interesting technology, Spider-Man is relatable, and Batman is, well, Batman!  Superman may have had a good start with the first … Continue reading Man of Steel review: may not be super, but still decent

Rock Bend Folk Festival draws in crowds for 23 years

For 23 consecutive years, Saint Peter has held the Rock Bend Folk Festival in Minnesota Square Park. Full of live music, activities, delicious food, and sights to see, the festival is an excellent way to end the summer. Usually about 8,000 people turn out to attend this free event. The festival kicked off at noon on Saturday Sept. 7 and went through the weekend. This … Continue reading Rock Bend Folk Festival draws in crowds for 23 years

Hillstrom features potential largest exhibit yet

The Hillstrom Museum of Art opened up on Monday Sept. 9, 2013 for another year of showcasing various artists with varying types of work. The three current exhibitions, Recent Acquisitions and Debuts of the Hillstrom Museum of Art, String Theory and the Superconducting Super Collider Series: Paintings by Lucinda Mason, and Associated American Artists; Art by Subscription, will run through November 10, 2013. The opening … Continue reading Hillstrom features potential largest exhibit yet

Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.

After long days in the hot African sun, I would retire to the safety of my small tent for the night. As I would rest my head against a pile of clothes that doubled as a pillow—it was clear by the sounds outside my tent that the world in which I was living was not yet ready to call it a day. Bats screeched as … Continue reading Tales from Abroad: Global stories, experiences, and life lessons as told by Gusties studying abroad.