“Art Heroes” celebrates Minnesotan artists

Last year, Minnesota Public Radio News launched a new series called “Art Heroes,” stories about some of Minnesota’s most exceptional artists, who not only exhibit incredible talent, but are recognized as influential community leaders. These artists have made it their life goal to give back to their community. Their art addresses social issues, and brings people together in creativity to transform their community. Through art, … Continue reading “Art Heroes” celebrates Minnesotan artists

Tales From Abroad: Malaysia

What is diversity? It is a question I have played through my mind countless times. While my family upbringing and Gustavus have fostered a positive environment for diversity, the notion of what diversity means to me was turned on its head Feb. 14. Upon stepping foot in Penang, Malaysia, I noticed immediately that my skin set me aside from the Malaysians. What is this feeling? … Continue reading Tales From Abroad: Malaysia

Gustie of the Week: Sam Panzer

As a history major from Appleton, Wisconsin, Sophomore Sam Panzer would appear to be a typical college student. However, this is far from the case. Sam is an engaging, innovative student working towards strengthening the community at Gustavus. Since his first day at Gustavus, Sam has stood out from the rest. Sam’s advisor and former First Term Seminar Professor Greg Kaster immediately noticed his potential. … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Sam Panzer

Hillstrom Museum features feminist, abstract art

The Hillstrom Museum is now open, showcasing a new exhibit that features female-empowering artists, Minna Citron and Peggy Bacon.  The exhibit opened on Feb. 17 and will be displayed until April 17. The exhibit opening commenced with a reception featuring Minna Citron’s own granddaughter and student, Christiane H. Citron. The gallery features Citron’s collection, The Uncharted Course from Realism to Abstraction and Bacon’s collection, Keeping … Continue reading Hillstrom Museum features feminist, abstract art

Celebrities coming out of the closet, into the spotlight

On Valentine’s Day, at the Human Rights Campaign’s “Time to Thrive” conference, Ellen Page broke news with an emotional speech. In the speech, Page stated, “I’m here today because I am gay.” With these words, Ellen Page came out to the world. “I am tired of hiding, and I am tired of lying by omission. I suffered for years because I was scared to be … Continue reading Celebrities coming out of the closet, into the spotlight

You will fall for Gravity

The Oscars are Sunday,  March 2, and one of the leading films is none other than Alfonso Cuaron’s cinematic marvel, Gravity.  This film was the highest rated film of 2013 on sites like Rottentomatoes and Metacritic, and is tied for the most Oscar nominations with American Hustle.  Despite its praise, there have been plenty of people online calling it the most overrated film of the … Continue reading You will fall for Gravity

Gustie of the Week: Deborah Witherspoon

First-year Deborah Witherspoon has made quite the impression in her first months’ time at Gustavus. When Deb visited the college, she was happy to see the strength of the performing arts programs. After moving from Fremont, Cali., Deb became heavily involved in theatre, and is currently working on her third play. Deb first entered the Gustavus theatre scene with this fall’s production of The Trojan … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Deborah Witherspoon

Hair primed to whip up controversy

Tonight is the opening night of Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. Directed by Amy Seham, the show starts at 8:00 p.m. in Anderson Theater. Hair is considered the musical of the flower power. “I would consider myself a bit of a hippie,” Sophomore Allison Hosman, who plays the role of Sheila in Hair, said. Hosman, along with the rest of Seman’s cast of flower-children … Continue reading Hair primed to whip up controversy

Thor struggles to hammer it home

Many agree that in terms of Marvel’s “Cinematic Universe,” Thor was one of the weaker initial entries.  It was not as action packed or intriguing as the likes of Iron Man, or Captain America: The First Avenger, and most people think it exists for the sake of establishing Thor and Loki for The Avengers. I don’t see it completely that way because it taught Thor … Continue reading Thor struggles to hammer it home

Late night talk show drama

This month, NBC is significantly altering their late night programming with the departure of one late night host, the movement of another to an earlier time, and the introduction of a new host. Reinvigorating The Tonight Show and Late Night to accomodate the Sochi Winter Olympics, we say goodbye to Jay Leno, who ends his 22 year reign, as Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers take … Continue reading Late night talk show drama