Shakespeare’s Cymbeline at Gustavus

Taylor Storlien- This week, the Gustavus Theatre Department is putting on a production of Shakespere’s Cymbeline, directed by Professor Matt Trucano. It will be performed in Anderson Theatre on Feb. 15th, 16th, and 17th at 8:00 p.m., and February 18th at 2:00 p.m. Cymbeline, written by William Shakespeare, centers around Imogen, the daughter of the King of Britain, named Cymbeline. Imogen is the center of … Continue reading Shakespeare’s Cymbeline at Gustavus

Advent services in Christ Chapel

Colleen Coleman- Wanting to reflect on the past year during the hectic end of the semester or wanting to find comfort in the Advent season? Come join in the time of self-reflection in Advent during Chapel Break from 10:00 -10:30 a.m. on Nov. 27th, Dec. 4th, and Dec. 11th in Christ Chapel. The services include music, reading, prayers, and Holy Communion. The Advent services open … Continue reading Advent services in Christ Chapel

Gustie of the Week: Jeff Ford

Amanda Dewberry- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Visiting Assistant Professor in Math, Computer Science, and Statistics: Jeff Ford. Ford wasn’t always interested in math. In fact, he never finished an undergraduate degree in math. As a 1998 Gustavus graduate, Ford received his degree in geology, and it wasn’t until he started taking a night calculus class at a community college that he discovered … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Jeff Ford

Adaptations: the Theatre Gallery

Taylor Storlien- This upcoming weekend, “Adaptation: Theatre Workshop Performance” will be performed in The Black Box Theatre. Showings will be on December 8th and 9th at 8:00 p.m. and December 10th at 2:00 p.m. Directed by visiting faculty Matt Trucano, it’s a performance of original adaptations of classic texts. Sophomores Dom Larson, Gavia Yount, and Senior Will Sorg will be performing excerpts from the works … Continue reading Adaptations: the Theatre Gallery

WORLD ART PROJECT comes to the Schaefer Art Gallery

Taylor Storlien- Professor Stanley J. Shetka will be transforming the Schaefer Art Gallery over the next 62 days into his office, classroom, studio, business, and home. The Collateral Healing Initiatives Project and “The Life Course” will begin in the Gallery this Thursday, Nov. 30th, and continue until the end of January 2024. This project will display collected materials that Shetka has received from people all … Continue reading WORLD ART PROJECT comes to the Schaefer Art Gallery

Gustie of the Week: David Obermiller

Colleen Coleman- This week’s Gustie of the Week is Dr. David Obermiller, who is an Associate Professor in History, Environmental Studies, and Japanese Studies. He received the Edgar M. Carlson Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2015 for his excellence in the classroom, and enthusiasm for teaching and advising. Obermiller holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Northern Iowa and a Master’s and Ph.D. from … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: David Obermiller

50th annual Christmas in Christ Chapel

Amanda Dewberry- This weekend Gustavus hosts the 50th annual Christmas in Christ Chapel. Christmas in Christmas Chapel (CinCC) features an orchestra, a dance ensemble, a handbell ensemble, and three choirs. These ensembles come together to perform Christmas songs in a church service-like setting. This year’s theme is Grace Embodied: Celebrating 50 Years of Christmas in Christ Chapel. Senior Lindsay James from the Gustavus Choir said … Continue reading 50th annual Christmas in Christ Chapel

Gustie of the Week: Sean Cobb

Taylor Storlien- This week’s Gustie of the Week, Professor Sean Cobb, has been teaching at Gustavus for fifteen years now. When Cobb was first interviewing to teach at Gustavus, it was a memorable experience that set the tone for the rest of his time here. During a break, he went to adjust his tie in the bathroom. “As I was in the mirror, a woman … Continue reading Gustie of the Week: Sean Cobb

Emerge: the 2023 Choreographer’s Gallery

Colleen Coleman- Come see “Emerge,” this year’s Choreographer’s Gallery produced by the Department of Theatre and Dance, featuring work from student choreographers Fifth-year Karmen Peter, Senior Mary Juelich, and Juniors Emma Forsyth, Elise Gahart, Dana Marquis, Kelsi Rygg and Ella Schwakopf with faculty direction by Melissa C. Rolnick. Performances will take place in the Gardner Laboratory Theatre Nov. 17-18 at 8:00 p.m., as well as … Continue reading Emerge: the 2023 Choreographer’s Gallery