Buresboahtin Sofia Jannok: Gustavus welcomes Grammy-nominated Scandanavian artist-in-residence

Next week Gustavus welcomes Sofia Jannok, a twice-Grammy-nominated artist, to campus as this year’s artist-in-residence. Since its debut in 1989 the OUT OF SCANDINAVIA artist-in-residence program has hosted a prominent Scandinavian artist or writer almost every year for a week. The program seeks to foster strong ties between Gustavus and the Nordic countries, introduce more Scandinavian culture to the Gustavus community and bring speakers who … Continue reading Buresboahtin Sofia Jannok: Gustavus welcomes Grammy-nominated Scandanavian artist-in-residence

Not much to hate in The Hateful Eight

When you become as acclaimed as director and writer Quentin Tarantino, maintaining expectations becomes increasingly difficult. Every time he releases a new movie, the first impulse of critics and fans is to immediately compare it to his other productions. But it’s hard to blame them when a guy has Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill, and Django Unchained under his belt. Each new film isn’t as much … Continue reading Not much to hate in The Hateful Eight

Gustie of the Week – Reid Larson

There’s a certain kind of competiveness and desire to get things done to the best and fullest of one’s abilities that you don’t find in just anyone, but Junior Reid Larson is one of those people. One humorous example is shared by Junior Brianna Larson, when Reid broke his nose playing volleyball freshmen year. “His face (nose, I guess) collided with my hip bone, and … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Reid Larson

Gustavus hosts Saudi filmmaker Faiza Ambah

On Monday night at 8p.m. in the Heritage room, the Gustavus community will welcome film director Faiza Ambah for a showing of her film, Mariam. Several groups on campus are co-sponsoring Ambah’s visit including the Muslim Students Association, the Diversity Center, the Chaplain’s Office, the Religion Department, and the French Department. “It is dangerous and dehumanizing to sort the world into two categories – us … Continue reading Gustavus hosts Saudi filmmaker Faiza Ambah

Gustie of the Week – Caroline David

One aspect of a liberal arts education is learning as much as you can across different disciplines to gain a deeper understanding of how fields of knowledge intersect and interplay with each other and to become a well rounded person. Senior Caroline David is an exemplar of this with majors in Psychology and Religion and a minor in French. “She is very well- rounded and … Continue reading Gustie of the Week – Caroline David

Gustavus presents Endgame & Other Short Plays

Opening night for Endgame and Other Short Plays by Samuel Beckett was Thursday night. The play, directed by Amy Seham, will continue to run through this weekend. “It is a series of plays although the main one is Endgame,” Seham said. “We also are including a number of short plays by Beckett, those are really cool because in a shorter format he can do even … Continue reading Gustavus presents Endgame & Other Short Plays